chapter 20

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Luke's POV

"I think I do. When we went to her house, I felt like i just woke up from the transformation," I said
"So, she's your your mate," she said.

"My what?" I asked.

"Your mate. You know, like Bella and Edward, Alice and Jasper, Rosealie and Emmet," she said.

"So, how does this mate thing work?" I asked.

"You can find them as a vampire, or the vampire can find a human mate," she said.

"So, I know she's my mate, but did you ever find your mate?" I asked.

"Not yet. But not alot of  vampires do," she said.

I nodded.

"She has a lot on her mind. That's understandable," I thought.

"Come on. Let's head back and tell the Cullen's our theory," she said.

I nodded.

Time skip to back to the house

"Hey Carlisle do all vampires have powers?" I asked.

"Not all of them do. Why? Did one of you find your powers?" He asked.

"We think Rose might have found her powers," I said.

"What do you mean by powers?" He asked.

"She wants to see if she can manipulate water," I said.

"Wait, what if we also can manipulate water," Alex said.

"Yeah, I mean what if we each have one power and Rose has all three?" Reggie asked.

"It doesn't hurt to try," Carlisle said.

Rose's POV

So we went into the kitchen where Carlisle got a glass of water ready for testing.

Carlisle nodded at me signalling to test it.

So I tried boiling it, it worked.

"Okay, that was cool," I said.

I tried freezing the water, it worked.

Lastly, I tried moving the water, after I unfreezed it, and it worked.

"Okay, now for the boys. Let's see if they have the same power as you," Carlisle said.

"I guess I'll go first," Alex said.

He tried freezing the water, it didn't work, hetried moving the water, it didn't work.

"Try boiling it," I said.

He did and it worked

"Okay. So, Alex has the power to boil water, who's next?" Carlisle asked.

"I'll go next," Reggie said.

He tried to move water, but he didn't.

"I guess that means Luke has has the ability to move water, and Reggie has the power to freeze water," Carlisle said.

"Wait, why is that though?" Alex asked.

"Its probably because I changed you and not anyone else," I said.

"That makes sense," he said.

"Oh, and I found my mate," Luke said.

"Is it Julie?" Carlisle asked.

"Wait, how did you-. Alice,"  he said realizing how we all knew.

"You know, I'm not gonna get use to that," Reggie said.

"What? Of Alice knowing your every move?" I asked.

"Yeah. Its kinda creepy," Alex said.

We laughed.

The next day

"Edward, its almost time for Bella to wake up," Carlisle

So he went into the room where she was.

"Rose. Do you want to hold Renesmee?" Rosalie asked.

"Sure," I said.

And she handed her to me.

Soon after, Bella walks in.

"Hey Bells," I said and hugged her.

"Hey," she said and hugged me back.

I let her hold her baby for the first time.

She seen what everyone seen when Renessme touched her face.

"I've only been out for two days?" She asked.

"Yeah. And it was a bit lonely," I said.

"Hey, what about us?" Luke said and shoved me jokingly.

"Okay, that's enough," Jakob said.

"Chill dude. She's doing good. And this will be good for Luke, Alex, and Reggie since there still newborns," I said.

"Yeah, let's not push it though," he said and tried to take the baby from Bella.

Bella looked at him. And she was pissed.

"Whats your problem?" She asked.

He was silent.

Thats when me and Bella  both new.

"Rose, take Renessme out of the room," I said.

"Whats going on?" Luke asked.

Edward came up behind Bella.

"Edward don't touch me right now I don't wanna hurt you" she said to him.

"Uh oh," Jacob said.

"Your in for it now wolf boy," I sneered.

She came up to Jake, grabbed his neck and dragged him outside.

"You imprinted on my daughter! She's a baby!" Bella yelled.

"It wasn't my choice. Do you think Edward or Rose would let me live if it was?" He asked.

"I was with Luke, Alex, and Reggie when that happened. Don't you dare pin this on me," I said walking up to him with Luke behind me for protection.

"Your gonna stay away from her," Bella said.

"You know I can't do that. All I want is for Nessie to know me as someone to look up too," Jacob said.

"You nicknamed my daughter after the locnast monster!" She yelled.
Seth and Leah came from behind the tree and she accidentally threw Seth into a tree thinking he was gonna attack her.

"Jake, if I were you, I'd leave Ness alone, even if you can't control it," I said.

"Bella, she just called her Ness, aren't you gonna hurt her like you did me?" He asked.

"No, because one, she's my best friend, and two the nickname Ness is better than Nessie," Bella said.

"Okay, why don't we all go back inside and cool off," Carlisle said.

We nodded and we walked back inside

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