chapter 15

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The next day

As we wait for Luke Alex and Reggie to be done with their transformation, me, Alice and Jasper prepair to hunt.

"Its time Rose. You Alice and Jasper have to be in the room. They are about to wake up," Carlisle said.

So we did, and I sat next to Luke. Alex woke up first, then Reggie, and then finally Luke.

"Woah dude. Look at our eyes," Reggie said.

"Why do I feel thirsty?" Alex asked.

"You guys need to hunt," I said.

"But while you guys are hunting with me and Jasper, Rose is going somewhere for Carlisle," Alice said.

"Can I go?" Luke asked.

"Luke, you need to get your thirst under control first," I said.

I didn't look into his eyes until after I said that. They were no longer brown. They were the normal new born red.

"Are our eyes gonna stay like this?" Alex asked

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"Are our eyes gonna stay like this?" Alex asked.

"Not if you hunt Animals. They'll be like the Cullen's color eyes," I said.

"Okay. Let's go," Alice said.

We went In opposite directions. I got the pint of blood and brought it back to the Cullen's.

"Are they back yet?" I asked.

"Not yet," Edward said.

"I got to go find them," I said.

But before I can leave, they came through the door.

"Wow that was a rush," Luke said.

"I need to hunt if I'm gonna help Bella deliver today," Carlisle said.

"Don't go alone Carlisle," I said.

"I'm not. Esme is coming with me," he said.

"To make me feel better, please bring Emmett," I said.

"We will," Esme said walking up to us.

After that they left.

"So, what do we do now?" Reggie asked.

"When it comes time for Bella to deliver, we need to go outside. Since your newborns-" I got cut off by Alice.

"Actually Rose. They did great," she said.

"But for safety. You never know," I said.

"We understand Alice. Bella is Rose's friend. She doesn't want anything to happen to her," Alex said.

Edward sat the cup blood on the table. And we walked over to her.

"What's going on?" I asked as Alice and Rosalie helped Bella up.

"Rosealie is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names," Edward said laughing.

"Well? tell us," I said excitedly.

"For a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob," Bella said.

"And for a girl?" I asked.

"Renesmee," she said.

"Renesmee. I think its a uniqe name," Alex said.

"Yeah. Like Reggie," I said.

"See. At least they like it," Bella said pointing at us.

Rosalie grabbed the cup for for Bella and gave it to her but she missed it and it fell. When she went to pick it up, her back broke and she fell.

I looked at Edward and he nodded meaning it was time for her to give birth.

"Boys, out to the back," I said
And we did.

In case you wanted to know what Alex and Reggie looked like as vampires.........



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