chapter 5

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Rose's POV

Dirty candy was performing, and then it was my turn. Was I scared? Duh.

I looked at Julie and seen the guys. She gave me a thumbs up, indicating "you can do it. "

I nodded at her.

I didn't even notice dirty candy got done performing until I heard our principle say,  "thank you dirty candy. We have one last performance,  and then I'll let you go back to class."

Luke's POV

"Julie what did your principal mean by one last performance?" I asked.

"Take a look," Julie said gesturing to the stage.

"Wait, didn't she have stage fright when we met her?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah," I said stunned.

"What song is she gonna sing?" Alex asked.

"I think, she's so gone from the movie Lemonade mouth," Julie said.

(A/N: Its like this except for the  tables and the band)

Rose's POV

After the song, I walked over to Julie, Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Flynn.

"Have you been holding back on us?" Julie asked.

"Lets just say, don't expect it everytime," I said.

"What do you mean?" Flynn asked.

"My friend took a video of the performance. I'll send it to you. Look clostly at my emotions," I said.

As soon as I said that, she came up to me.

"Hey, are you okay? It looked like something was bothering you," she said.

"There was something bothering me, but im fine now," I said.

"You sure?" Julie asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Hey, Ill be back," Julie said and ran off.

I looked at flynn, but she only shook her head.

All of a sudden we hear Julie singing.

Everyone was amazed after they seen the boys disappear.

I'm just happy they could play again, but Flynn on the other hand, didn't like that Julie was playing with a "hologram band" and then lying to her about it.

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