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Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in his soft bed. He groaned and gets up while eyes still being closed as he said. "Nuu, i will wake up after fwive minutes!" Jungkook said to himself as he again crawled under his iron man blanket. Jungkook was dreaming about Taehyung sitting beside him while he was feeding him his favorite banana milk.

"Is it tasty, kookie?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook replied him nodding his head several times. Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness as he ruffled the younger's soft silky brown hairs making the younger giggle out softly.

After he finished his banana milk he stands up from his seat making Taehyung confused.

"I have decided hyungie, I will make you breakfast everyday!" Jungkook chirps, clapping his hands like a child. But soon he suddenly stopped.

"Breakfast?" Jungkook's eyebrows knotted.

"Breakfast!!" Jungkook's eyes widened reminding something.


"BREAKFAST!" Jungkook shouted as he shoot up from his bed remembering something. He quickly checked what time it is now. He sighed in relief when he saw its just 7 am.

He went to his bathroom, did his morning routine and walked downstairs only to see his beautiful mom cooking, dad sitting on the dining table reading newspaper and Jin sitting on the couch watching TV while screaming. But he got shocked when he saw no one in downstairs.

He thought maybe he woke up early today. He made his way towards the smart fridge to grab his banana milk. He raised his eyebrows when he saw a small note sticking on it.


Baby we told you few days ago we and kim family is going on a trip to hawai. Sadly we had to go today and you were sleeping so soundly so i didn't wake you up. Don't worry i have already made breakfast for you and taehyung. Mrs.kim also put their spare key on the table, go and wake up taehyung. I took day off from your school so you don't have to go. Just stay with taehyung and win his heart ;). I have trust on my baby. We will be back after 1 week. I dragged jimin and hobi too since they had nothing to do. We love you and give your medicine schedule to taehyung, okay. We love you,baby. Take care,honey.

Your beautiful mama


Jungkook pouted. Why would they leave him without even saying goodbye? It's only 7 am. Jungkook took the spare key, put the paper inside his hoodie pocket and takes the breakfast his mama made for them. He stepped out from his house after making sure its locked properly.

Jungkook opened the door of the silent house, he shivered when cold breeze touched his body. Jungkook puts the breakfast on the table then made his way towards Taehyung's room to wake him up.

Jungkook knocked on the door, he opened the door when he heard Taehyung saying 'Come in.' in his deep husky morning voice which made the boy's whole body shiver. He entered the room, it was lowkey bright from the sun rays. He tip toed toward the bed and slightly poked on the elders's arm. Taehyung groaned before speaking up.

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