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Jungkook's breath hitched when he was picked up by Taehyung. He quickly pulled  back his head from the elder's chest as he looked at him with wide opened yet teary eyes.

"Didn't I tell you to not go out?" Taehyung stopped walking as he looked down to see Jungkook who immediately looked away pouting.

"I t-thought it w-was you."

"You should check out before opening the door."

"Why are you scolding me!" Jungkook huffed
frowning at him.

Taehyung stares at his red cheek which was slapped by Aeera. His hand leaves Jungkook's waist to touch his red cheek. Jungkook flinched when taehyung's large cold hand touched his  cheek, he looked up with big doe eyes and their eyes meet.

"Does it hurts too much?" Taehyung said staring into his soul as Jungkook replies him nodding his dead in little.

"If mama was there, she would have kissed it away." A small yet sweet sob left his pinkish lips as he was sight eyeing Taehyung. Jungkook's breath hitched when he felt a small peck on his red cheek. His another cheek got crimson red as his eyes were jumping out from their place.

Taehyung pulled back his face then ruffled his soft hair making the boy blush crazily.

"Stop crying, go and get changed, I brought your dresses." Jungkook nodded and starts struggling, trying to get down.

"Why are you wiggling?" Taehyung asks, staring at him in confusion.

"Let me goooo!" Jungkook whinned making Taehyung even more confused.


Jungkook eye pointed their position as Taehyung immediately got embarrassed, he just forgot he picked up Jungkook from outside and EVERY FRICKING BODY SAW THEM. Though Taehyung wouldn't give any shit about it but he is embarrassed to himself. What the heck he is doing this.

Taehyung cursed under his breath and moved his hands from Jungkook's bottom making him fall down on the couch.

(A/n: yah , what if jungbooty fall on the cold floor )

Jungkook gasped when his ass landed on the couch. He quickly stands up rubbing his ass with both hands as a cute frown was plastered on his face.

"How could you do that!?" Taehyung outs his index finger on his forehead, pushing him down as the boy falls down on the couch once again.

"Change first." Taehyung looked around searching for the beg he put the younger's clothes. Soon he remembered it was outside. He pulled out the younger's phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Awwww my phonie, kookie missed you~" Jungkook sang dramatically hugging the phone like he just met one of his dearest friend after a long time. Taehyung stared at the younger thinking how weird he is. He took the bag and went inside, he was thankful to god that everyone already left.

When Jungkook saw Taehyung went inside he run towards him and snatched the bag from him.

"Hyungie you can pick me up again once i am done changing!!" With that Jungkook runs upstairs leaving Taehyung alone.

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