Penelope POV
"Mom?" I asked as she was fixing her hair in the bathroom while I went to sit on the counter. She gave me a disappointing look and I quickly made my way to sit on the toilet lid.
She smirked a little before answering me, "Yes baby?" She asked and I smiled at the affection.
"Do you actually see me as your kid?" I asked feeling my heart race and mom quickly set her curling iron down before cupping my face.
"Yes of course baby. We all do, I think it's a little harder for Mariana since she also sees you as her little sister, but you are our daughter and no one will change that." Mom told me and I could tell she was confused on where I was coming from.
"Didn't you guys ever want your own kids? Like biological or at least adopt them when they were young?" I asked still feeling anxious and mom tilted her head to me.
"We have been involved in the Caregiver/little scene for awhile but just hadn't had any littles that stuck. We never really thought about the idea of kids because we always wanted a little. Baby where is this coming from?" Mom asked a little worried and I looked away from her face to stare at the floor.
"I just have so many problems and I thought if you had a kid that you got to raise then they wouldn't be like me." I told her while trying to blink away the tears.
"Penny baby," Was all mom said before she lifted me onto her front and cradled me against her.
I tucked my face into the crook of her neck as she rocked back and forth. "Penny, you are our daughter, we love you and we want you. Only you. Thank you for talking to me baby, I could tell this has been on your mind for awhile." Mom told me and I nodded my head.
After our morning escapade, mom and I eventually make it to school. Both Mari and Ma are already at work so we were the last to leave the house.
Making it into the school building, mom gets me all set up in her classroom before she makes her way out to teach. I get most of my work done within the first block for some reason and really need to use the restroom.
I waited it out until mom's second block because that's basically a class where you privately do work and there aren't lectures. I poked my head out and she smiled when she saw me.
Reaching her desk that I just walked up to I lean down to be closer to whisper. "Can I use the restroom?" I asked quietly and she nodded.
"Do you need me to go with you?" Mom whispered back and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Mom. I'm big right now. I can use the restroom on my own." I whined slightly causing her to chuckle before she let me go with a hall pass.
I make my way down the hallway to the restroom where I do my business and start heading back to class. I saw Ms. Geerling's door was open and I heard people talking.
I know I'm not supposed to snoop, but they were talking really loud and one of them sounded mad. I turned my head to try and see inside when I saw Donna and Ms. Geerling in a pretty heated argument.
"Why are you so upset with this Donna? It's not like you cared about her beforehand." Ms. Geerling told Donna.
"I could care less about having her in my life. But she seems safe and happy with those women. I'm not going to take her away from that. My sister hated me for good reasons and I'm not going to mess anything else up."
"You were so ready to steal her back to give her to the Isaac's. What changed?" Ms. Geerling asked and I cringed at the thought of going back to them.
"They kidnapped her Madelyn!! They did awful things to her! You made it seem like the James family was awful but no, it's the Isaac's! I've seen her interact with the James family. There's nothing but love there." Donna tried to argue and I smiled slightly.
"Fine, I'll do it my damn self." Ms. Geerling told her.
I backed away slowly before bumping into someone. I jumped and wanted to take off running but the person grabbed me.
They turned me around and I about cried seeing it was mom. "Mom!" I said desperately while trying to hug her.
"Woah baby where's the fire?" Mom asked jokingly and I shook my head.
"Speak quieter please." I told her and she furrowed her brows before ultimately nodding her head.
"Your office now." I whispered to her before I took off running towards her office.
She was quick to follow and immediately closed the door. "What's going on Penny?" Mom asked.
I basically word vomited to her and she was shocked by what I had saw.
"We need to tell Mari and ma before we go to the police station. We'll wait until after school so it doesn't seem to suspicious if Ms. Geerling sees us. Okay baby?" Mom asked and I nodded.
"I never liked that woman." I told mom jokingly and she laughed agreeing with me.
"Me either. She was always in my business. For once I'm happy for your eavesdropping." Mom said before she started tickling my sides.
I turned into a giggling fit and mom eventually let up. I turned to cuddle in her arms. "What if all we do to keep me safe from them doesn't work?" I asked and mom took a sharp breath in.
"We are going to do everything in our power to keep you safe. Even if that means hiring a bodyguard." Mom told me before kissing the top of my head.
"I love you mom." I whispered.
"I love you too baby." Mom whispered back.

Four Beating Hearts
General FictionPenelope Winston is a 17 year old girl with her old sister being the only remaining family she has. Being a little, what happens when Penelope goes missing when supposedly on a school trip? Will she see her sister again and who will she get close to...