49 - promises

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Penelope POV

Yesterday was really weird. I was little basically all day and I couldn't seem to get myself bigger, instead I kept slipping farther and farther. I was still feeling small this morning when I woke up in my bed.

I was curious on how I was in my bed without nightmares when I felt someone's arms tighten around me. Looking to my left, I saw mommy holding me tightly. I was still feeling little, but not nearly as little as yesterday.

I'm glad mommy slept in my bed so I didn't have nightmares. I cuddled more into her causing her to stir awake.

"Are you awake little one?" Mommy asked.

"Hi mommy," I said with a little giggle. I heard her let out a gasp as she looked down to me.

"You spoke!" Mommy shouted happily and I just looked at her curiously.

"I knows how to talk mommy." I told her which caused her to let out a hearty chuckle.

"Of course you do baby. You were just very small yesterday and I guess that made it hard for you to talk." She explained and I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

"No know mommy." I told her quietly and she nodded before giving me a forehead kiss.

"That's okay baby. You're speaking today and that's what matters. What do you want to do today baby?" She asked me happily and I couldn't help but to chuckle at her.

"I guess I needs to try and make myself big cuz I has school tomorrow." I told mommy with a little pout and realization struck her face.

"You do don't you baby?" Mommy said with a little chuckle and I nodded.

"Well that's okay. You can be however you feel today, and then tonight we will make sure you are in the right headspace before bed. How does that sound baby?" Mommy asked and I nodded my head.

"Sounds good mommy." I told her before cuddling myself on her chest.

Mommy tsk me quietly before shifting her body so she could stand up out of bed. I groaned loudly and mommy raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is that so?" She asked and I pouted and nodded my head.

She shook her head with a chuckle before helping me go to the edge of the bed.

"Come on little one. We need to get out day started and I need to get you out of this diaper." Mommy told me as I was shifting my body, but what she said caused me to pause.

"Diaper?" I said wearily.

Mommy's eyes widened and she slowly nodded her head. "Baby I-" She started but I cut her off.

"Mommy you and momma and mama saids you no put me in diapers. Only pull-ups." I started to tear up and scoot away from her when she tried to get closer to me.

"You lied mommy." I spoke quietly with tears falling from my eyes. I felt betrayed. They had all promised no diapers to me.

Mommy didn't try to make anymore advancements. "I know baby. I am so sorry that I lied to you little one. I didn't want to put you in a diaper. You were so small yesterday that we wanted to make sure you didn't have any accidents so we were going to put you in a pull-up I swear. But I couldn't pull a pull-up over your cast. The diaper I could put on without having to worry about your cast. I'm so so sorry baby girl." Mommy said the last part no louder than a whisper and there were tears brimming in her eyes.

I couldn't stand to see mommy cry. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her neck as we both cried.

"Diapers are okay only if I too small to answer and you t'inks I need it." I whispered while we are hugging.

I felt mommy nod. "Okay baby. I'm so so sorry." She responded and I shook my head.

"It's kay mommy. Dats your job. Yous my mommy and you do what you t'inks best fo me. I got scared but I okay. I loves you mommy." I told her and I felt her squeeze me a little tighter.

"I love you more my baby." Mommy answered before we broke the hug so she could take the diaper off of me and put me in clean clothes.

Once I was ready for the day, mommy lifted me up onto her front and carried me down the stairs where momma and mama were waiting down at the table for us.

Momma reached her arms out for me and I reached out for her causing mommy to laugh. She helped me down into momma's lap who gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning baby. You sleep okay?" I nodded tiredly as I put my head on her chest.

"You still too little to respond sugarplum?" Momma asked and I shook my head.

"Jus tired momma." I told her and she let out a little chuckle as she went to feed me.

I shook my head and hid it in the crook of her neck. "Not hungry momma." I told her hoping they would think I was sick again.

"Are you sick baby?" I was hoping she wouldn't ask that because I couldn't lie.

"No momma, jus not hungry." I told her and she let out a little sigh.

Mama on the other hand was not with my bullshit. "Penelope Elena, you are not doing that. If you are not sick then I expect you to eat half of the food. No excuses on why you can't." Mama spoke firmly to me and I looked at her with a glare.

"Do not glare at me child. Now let momma feed you." Mama spoke firmly once more and I sighed before letting her feed me. I ended up eating everything because I actually was hungry. I don't know why, but I just felt like I shouldn't have been eating.

Once I was done, mama took me away from momma's lap and left the room. She sat me on the couch and sat down next to me. "Are you wanting to starve yourself again?" Mama asked and I groaned internally.

"No mama. Just didn't think I should been eating. Dunno why." I told her which was the truth. "I just felt like someone's was telling me no and I dunno why. I sorry mama." I told her as I wrapped my arms around to hug her waist.

She wrapped her arms back around me and rubbed my back. "That's okay baby. It's hard to get over something like that. I'm sorry if I was too harsh on you back there." Mama apologized.

"It's kay mama. I needs someone to get onto me bout that." I told her with a little shrug and she kissed my forehead.

"Can I has mommy though?" I asked and mommy was coming through the door shortly after that. She laid back in our recliner as mama picked me up and set me in her lap.

"Hi little one." Mommy spoke as I laid my head on her chest.

"Hi mommy. I sorry for trying nots to eat." I spoke at a whisper.

"I forgive you baby. You just scared us back there, that's all. I know you are still trying to keep your promise of not starving yourself, which will be hard, but we will be with you every step of the way. I promise." Mommy spoke quietly to me.

"I love yous mommy." I said just before latching on to mommy's nipple.

"I love you too baby girl." Mommy told me as I quietly nursed and she ran her fingers through my hair.

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