45 - anxiety

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Penelope POV

I woke up in my bed in a cold sweat. I had to take several deep breaths to try and calm myself down. My anxiety was through the roof currently and nothing I was doing was working. I felt myself getting overwhelmed at not being able to calm down that sobs raked through my body.

I heard the door open but I didn't pay attention to who it was. "Oh sugarplum." I heard Ma say quietly as she pulled my body into hers and rocked us back and forth. I slowly started to calm down being in her embrace.

Ma laid us down and I cuddled into her embrace some more as she ran her fingers through my hair. "Can you tell me what happened baby?" She asked after a few minutes of us laying together.

I shook my head and looked up at her with tears in my eyes, "Please don't make me." I quietly plead to her and she kissed my forehead.

"Okay baby. We don't need to talk about it. Do you want to stay home from school?" Ma asked and I quickly nodded my head yes.

She didn't say anything else, just held me in her arms. A little while later mom came in the room. Coming over to the bed she had a worried expression on her face. "Baby what's wrong? Why aren't you dressed for school?" Mom asked and I whined as I pushed my face into Ma's chest.

"Penny is going to stay home from school. She had a rough morning." Ma explained. I couldn't see mom's expressions anymore but I could still hear her.

"Why didn't anyone come get me? Should I stay home?" Mom asked Ma and I could feel Ma shake her head.

"I didn't come get you because I could handle it babe. She's okay, she just needed someone right then and there. There's no reason for you to stay home today. I have the day off babe, don't worry." Ma tried to explain.

"Of course I'm going to worry, she's our baby." Mom tried to argue but ma quickly shushed her.

"Exactly, she's our baby. She's okay love, she's just having some anxiety and needs a mental health day. I'm sure she will be ready for you to get home for all the snuggles, but you need to go to work." Ma explained and I heard mom sigh.

"Fine, but if anything happens I expect you to call me." Mom jokingly threatened. Ma agreed and I heard mom leave the room.

"I think I'm going to try to go back to sleep now if that's okay?" I asked looking up at ma. She gave me a soft smile and kissed my nose before leaving my bed.

I closed my eyes and rolled back over asleep.

Bethany POV

Bella has been giving me updates the entire time I have been at work, mostly because I told her to. Penny had decided to go back to bed and is still asleep apparently.

It's around lunch time when I get another update. It's just a text that says 'COME HOME NOW'. I immediately pack up my things and get a sub for my last class before racing home. Running through the front door I hear loud sobs.

I run up the stairs to Penny's room to find her rocking back and forth in the corner. She's sobbing loudly and Bella has tears in her eyes as she sits on the floor near by. 

"What happened?!" I asked as soon as I can find the words.

Bella looks up and her face looks so broken. "She woke up again screaming this time and I couldn't get her to calm down. I tried to hold her like I did earlier and she freaked out and crawled to the corner. I don't know what I did. I didn't know what to do so I texted you." Bella said quickly as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

I gave her a quick hug and a peck. "It's okay, you did nothing wrong baby. Why don't you go downstairs and make a cup of tea to help calm you down?" I asked her and she nodded before leaving the room.

I slowly make my way to Penny before sitting down. She's too out of it to even notice me sitting there. I pull her into my lap and she starts screaming and thrashing. I overpower her and force her into my lap to hold her tightly, I never want to force her into things, but I need her to calm down.

"Shhh, it's okay little one. I need you to come back to me and calm down. You are safe, mommy is here." I told her and kept repeating myself as I held her tightly in my arms. Eventually she stopped fighting me and relaxed in my arms.

She still didn't speak, but she had calmed down a great amount. She cuddled more into me as I held her. We sat there for a few minutes before I asked her what happened. No answer.

I decided not to push her and instead I carried her downstairs because of her leg where we found Bella sitting on the couch with a blank stare. I went to sit in the recliner, but Penny whined and looked at Bella.

Penny still wasn't speaking, but I decided to sit next to Bella with Penny in my lap. Bella tried to give me a weak smile, but I knew this was hard for her. Penny has never done anything like this before and we were all terrified.

Penny scooted off of my lap and onto Bella's. Bella wrapped her arms around Penny carefully as Penny cuddled into her. Penny whined slightly, "I so sorry momma. I gots scared and I no think. I sorry." Penny cried slightly to Bella who quietly shushed her as she held her tightly.

"It's okay baby. You just scared momma, that's all." Bella reassured her as she held her. Penny ended up moving to where she was being held by both of us and we didn't let go of her.

Mariana came home a little later sporting a confused expression when she saw all of us. "What happened?" Mariana questioned and Bella answered her. Mariana immediately looked to Penny.

"Are they back?" Mariana questioned her and Penny nodded her head slowly. Mariana took a deep breath before kissing Penny on the forehead.

"I think it's time then Penny." Mariana spoke quietly leaving both of us confused.

"Time for what?" I questioned her and she said she would tell us tonight.

"Mommy? Milkies?" Penny asked me. I gave her a small smile before pulling her more into my lap and letting her latch on to nurse.

She quickly found a rhythm and held my free hand in hers. She smiled anytime she looked at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I looked over to my wives who both shot me sad smiles. I'm not looking forward to this conversation. 

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