53 - as we know it

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter today. I have a plan for the next chapter and it will just flow easier if I leave this one where it is at.

Bethany POV

I held Penny in my arms as Bella continued to check Mariana over to make sure she was okay. I was absolutely terrified that Penny may have gotten hurt, but I am so glad she did not.

"Mommy? I has milk?" I heard my little one ask and I smiled while looking down at her.

"Of course my sweet one." I said as I gave her a kunkik. (This is what used to be called an eskimo kiss, but I researched that and the term eskimo is apparently a derogatory term used towards Inuit people.)

I walked us over to the recliner and let Penny nurse with me. She seemed really exhausted today, so I decided not to wake her and instead take her up to her room. I slipped a fresh diaper onto her considering her leg. She hadn't slipped too far, but she was still little and had just nursed with me so I didn't want any accidents.

I got her settled into bed before I let Mariana come and sleep with her for the night.

Mariana POV

I chose to sleep with Penny tonight since Beth had the past couple of nights. I know she doesn't always sleep too well with Penny if she has a night terror or is restless in the night. I cuddled up with Penny in my arms and dozed off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning and Penny had her front still against mine. I reached around to pat her bum when I noticed her diaper was incredibly full. I didn't know Beth had put her in one.

I had to decide if I wanted to wake her up. I could on one hand just change the diaper without her knowing, or I could wake her up and change her out of it. Deciding to go for the latter since it was time to wake up anyways, I whispered Penny's name a few times softly.

"Penny? Pen baby, it's time to wake up." I spoke quietly until I saw her bright eyes open.

"Morning sorella." Penny spoke quietly causing me to be a little shocked.

"You're big right now?" I questioned and she nodded her head tiredly.

"Okay," I hesitated. "You used your diaper in the middle of the night so we need to get you out of it." I told her gently but she blushed fiercely.

"God that's so embarrassing." I heard her speak under her breath.

I smoothed some of her hair back. "It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of sweets. You nursed last night and were little. You were bound to potty. It's okay Pen." I reassured her and she gave me a small smile.

"Can you help me? This leg thing really slows me down." She asked and I nodded. I carried her into the restroom where I got her out of her diaper and then helped her into the shower while I stayed on the outside.

"I'm surprised you didn't want me to call Ma in here to help you." I told her honestly and she blushed again.

"I love Ma helping me, but I kind of want to be big right now. Ma is always supportive of me being big, but when it's bath time I can't help but to slip with her." Penny told me and I let out a small chuckle.

"That makes total sense." I told her in agreement.

I helped her out of the shower and into some fresh big girl clothes before carrying her downstairs.

Beth was already sitting in the recliner and held her arms out for Penny. I was surprised that Penny decided to go to her considering she said she didn't want to slip.

Penny cuddled up with Beth who immediately started rocking the two of them.

Bethany POV

"Good morning baby." I spoke quietly as Penny got settled into my arms.

"Morning mom." She spoke tiredly. I was a little shocked to have big Penny, but I was happy with the cuddles.

"Are you not little?" I asked curiously and she shook her head before resting her head under my chin.

We stayed like that for awhile, I was happy soaking up all the snuggles this morning.

"Can we go see Ana?" I heard my little one ask and I smiled.

"Of course we can. Do you want to go today?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Well that can be arranged." I told her softly and she looked up at me with a soft smile. I smiled back before giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Why don't we get ready then." I told her as I moved her over to the couch and my wives went up to get ready themselves. It wasn't long before we were all walking out the door and heading to the car. 

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