A/N & TW: Sorry for disappearing again. This past week I had been feeling super depressed and as you know, I tend to write how I feel. The girl I was dating basically said she didn't like physical touch or anything more intimate which is something I need. I know our needs are different and it's good we discovered that, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. I was already going through a depression spell before this so yeah, that didn't help me feel any less depressed. This is going to be a short chapter simply because I am so tired.
Penelope POV
"Mommy?" I asked while quietly crawling into her room. It had only been a couple of days since the accident therefore my leg was still broken.
Mommy didn't answer, she just laid in her bed with no expressions. She's been like this since we got home, but momma and mama didn't let me see her. I was really upset without her so when mama left for work and momma was outside, I snuck my way up here.
I climbed into the bed and laid in front of her. "Mommy...I miss you." I told her quietly.
She finally looked in my direction and I smiled seeing her eyes. "Hi mommy." I whispered. She didn't say anything except pulled me closer to her body. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and I snuggled against her. I felt happy just having the close contact with her again.
"Mommy sad?" I asked cuddled up against her. I heard her sniffle and I looked up to see her nod her head slightly.
"Why mommy sad?" I asked as I wiped a tear that fell. She closed her eyes tightly before taking a deep breath.
"Mommy was really scared little one. Sometimes when mommy is sad she feels like she can't say anything." Mommy tried to explain but I didn't understand.
"Why mommy scared?" I asked curiously.
Mommy sighed before she kissed my forehead softly. "I felt like a bad mommy little one. You got hurt and I felt like I couldn't protect you like I'm supposed to." She told me quietly and I looked at her confusion clear on my face.
"Mommy you da best mommy, jus like momma and mama are da best momma and mama's. You protect me all da time. It was accident mommy. Not you fault." I told her and kissed her cheek. She finally smiled slightly.
"Thank you baby, but it's our job to protect you. I just feel like an awful mommy." She told me and pulled me closer.
"You tell me no bad talk 'bout yourself mommy, no bad talk 'bout you too!" I whisper shouted and finally got her to chuckle slightly.
"Okay baby, no bad talking about myself. I promise." She said before kissing the top of my head.
I rested my head on mommy's chest when I heard the door creak open. I was just happy to be back with my mommy so I didn't pay any attention to it until I heard momma whispering my name.
"Penny, I told you not to bug mommy right now." Momma scolded me lightly but I didn't care.
"Wan'ed mommy." I said with a little shrug.
Mommy chuckled at that. "It's okay Bella. I think having my baby with me definitely helped." Mommy told momma while giving me a little squeeze.
"Yeah momma, I help mommy. Now cuddles p'easeeeee?" I asked with a cutesy smile and momma rolled her eyes.
Mommy scooted more into the middle of the bed with me still in her arms as momma came and cuddled in behind me. Momma wrapped her arms around my body till her hand landed on mommy's side.
I looked up at mommy who looked happier than she had the past couple of days and smiled when mommy and momma shared a quick kiss. We laid in bed for a little while until the door creaked once more.
Mama didn't even wait for the invite, she immediately crawled into bed behind mommy and wrapped her arms around as many people as she could.
"I didn't realize we were having a cuddle session." Mama said with a chuckle and I giggled a little.
"Miss mommy and wan'ed snuggles." I told them all and couldn't help feel so loved in the moment.
I looked up to mommy once again. "Mommy? Milkies?" I asked quietly and she nodded before slowly lifting her shirt just enough for me to gently latch on.
I found a steady rhythm of nursing as mommy rubbed my cheek. It didn't take me long to go into a milk coma from mommy.
Bethany POV
"I know you two were trying to help me, but please don't make Penny go without seeing me. She was rather confused and a little upset when she came in here earlier. I'm okay loves, I just needed my baby. She really helped." I spoke quietly to my wives as Penny slept.
"We're sorry, we just had never really seen you like that and didn't know how to react." Mariana spoke in her thick accent before kissing the back of my head.
Bella kissed my lips once more, "We're definitely sorry. We shouldn't have kept Penny away from you especially seeing how much she helped you." Bella spoke quietly.
"She's our baby. We will always need her." I spoke to the women before slowly drifting to sleep with my little one in my arms.

Four Beating Hearts
General FictionPenelope Winston is a 17 year old girl with her old sister being the only remaining family she has. Being a little, what happens when Penelope goes missing when supposedly on a school trip? Will she see her sister again and who will she get close to...