46 - history

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Mariana POV

Beth took Penny upstairs and laid her in bed before coming back downstairs to us. Beth looked seriously mad.

"What's back and what's it time for Ana? Why are you and Penny still keeping secrets from Bella and I?" She asked and I flinched a little at her tone.

"You guys don't understand. Penny has a rough history even before the Isaac's came into her life. The only reason I know it was because I was best friends with her sister and have known her her entire life. I only know it because I was there Beth." I tried to defend myself but Beth shook her head.

"But why haven't you told us? It always feels like such a surprise to us except you already know. We are Penny's caregivers too, we need to know her history, even if it isn't a pretty one." Bella spoke up next.

Bella was on the couch and Beth in the recliner, so I sat in the floor not sure if they are happy to have me next to them right now.

"Penny doesn't like things brought up if they don't effect her anymore. That's why you guys always feel like you're the last to know. I don't want to betray her trust and tell you until she's ready to tell you. With this I will tell you because this is something you need to know." I let out a a sigh before looking at my wives who looked anxious.

"You know how Penny's parents are no longer alive?" I questioned and they both nodded their heads, confusion flashing across their faces.

"Penny's parents were both federal agents who worked on gang cases. One of those gang members being Donna who was majorly into drugs back then. I don't know if she still is or not. Penny knows none of this. The only reason I know is because Analiese told me." I explained. Both women still looked confused.

"That still doesn't explain anything of today Ana." Beth told me and I nodded.

"I know. Penny was 7 when they died. One of the gangs that her parents targeted a lot since they were involved internationally came into their house one night and murdered both of her parents. She apparently was in their bedroom when the gang members broke in and they put her in the closet. The closet wasn't a solid door, it had slits to see out of... Penelope watched her parents get murdered. She's dealt with night terrors and increased anxiety whenever she has flashbacks to that night. Analiese made her agree to go to therapy if they ever came back." I finished telling them everything and Beth was in tears with Bella close behind.

"Our poor baby." Bella mumbled while trying to keep her composure so I stood up and sat next to her to pull her into my arms.

"I swear I would have told you both, but I thought we were long past this. I'm so sorry." I tried to defend myself.

"We understand baby, just no more secrets." Beth told me lighty and I nodded.

"No more secrets." I whispered back.

"Mommy!" We heard a loud cry from upstairs and I looked at Beth who nodded before making her way up the stairs.

Bethany POV

Mariana just dropped a bombshell on us. My poor little baby, she has literally put up with more than she should have. I put her down in her room, so when I make my way in there I see her sitting up with tears in her eyes.

"Hi little one. Mommy's here." I spoke quietly as I climbed into bed with her.

I laid down and pulled her to lay on top of me. I kissed her forehead and brushed away her tears.

"It's okay baby, there's nothing to worry about." I told her as I felt my arms tighten a little more around her.

"No wanna lose my mommies." Penny cried a little and I needed to contain myself from falling apart.

"I promise you baby. You will never ever lose anyone of us. Okay? We love you and we will all be safe." I told her before giving her a dozen kisses on her head. She should not have to worry about this.

"I love you mommy." Penny said quietly as I felt her breathing get heavy.

"I love you more my sweet angel." I whispered quietly knowing she was back asleep.

Isabella POV

Mariana wrapped her arms tightly around me as I tried to comprehend everything she just told us.

"You... you don't hate me do you Bella?" Mariana whispered causing me to leave her grasp and stare at her worriedly.

"Why on earth would I hate you babe?" I asked her quickly.

"I think Beth hates me because of all the surprises. I don't even think about the stuff until something happens and it comes up I swear." Mariana told me as she looked away as she tried to hide the tears.

"Baby, we don't hate you. We could never hate you, we love you with every fiber of our being. It just hurts us to know that you guys aren't always telling us everything. I think it'll be good for all of us to sit down when Penny is big to talk about everything. Okay?" I asked as I brushed some of her hair back.

She nodded her head before I decided we should head up to bed. She started to walk past Penny's door. I stopped causing her to stop and look at me confused. "What's up?" Mariana asked and I shook my head before telling her to go to bed and I'd meet her there.

She nodded and I slowly made my way into Penny's room where I saw Beth was still awake. She gave me a confused look. "Is everything okay?" Beth whispered and I shook my head.

"Can we move you and Penny back into our room? Mariana really needs us." I whispered back in attempt to not wake Penny. Beth nodded before speaking up again.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly causing me to sigh.

"Mariana is upset and thinks you hate her because of all the secrets." I told her truthfully causing her eyes to widen and her mouth fell open.

"I could never hate her, I love her. Why would she think that I hate her?" Beth asked and I shook my head.

"She said it was because of the secrets. She said she doesn't even think about them until they come up. Which I understand, I just told her maybe we all need to sit down and chat about their history when Penny is big again. Now come on, we have a sad wife in bed we should get back to." I told her before helping her out of bed without waking Penny.

We walked into the room and Mariana was off to the side of the bed cuddling a pillow and I could see she was still crying. I walked over to her side and brushed my fingers through her hair.

"Baby, move to the middle." I told her quietly and she moved silently to the middle. Beth set Penny down softly next to Mariana before climbing in herself while I climbed in behind Mariana.

Snuggling up against her back, I saw Beth wrap her arms around Penny and Mariana smashing them together. "Mariana, I love you so much. I would never and could never hate you. I was just upset about this. We are okay and we will talk about the past in the morning okay? I love both you, Bella, and Penny with my entire heart and soul. Nothing, and I mean nothing will ever change that." Beth told Mariana quietly before leaning over to kiss her lips.

I held Mariana tighter as I kissed her cheek and rested my head against her. "We love you baby, that will never change." I spoke to her and she nodded while trying to cover her sniffles.

"I love you both so much and I'm so sorry." Marianna spoke between her cries. Beth shushed her to tell her it was okay before kissing her lips once more.

"We should go to bed my loves. It's been a long day." I spoke again and everyone agreed. 

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