Chapter 1: Lost Abilities

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Before I start, I want to say mostly all of the characters and places in this book belong to Tui T Sutherland, not me! Also, I've been working on a lot of fanfics on my own, and this is my first time sharing one to the public

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Before I start, I want to say mostly all of the characters and places in this book belong to Tui T Sutherland, not me! Also, I've been working on a lot of fanfics on my own, and this is my first time sharing one to the public.

  "Starseeker? Starseeker, come on, wake up."

"Hmmrgh," Starseeker replied grumpily. He opened his eyes and saw his little sister staring down at him with those dark green eyes. It reminded him of their mother. Moonwatcher also had these pretty silver scales by her eyes, like a teardrop about to fall. Her brows were usually furrowed in an anxious way. She had said this was because it was tiring to read to many minds at once and she couldn't turn it off. His sister was the first NightWing in centuries to have to lost power of both mind reading and foresight. She was four, as Starseeker was eight years old.

He sighed. "Moon. What's so important that you have to wake me up in the middle of the night?"

"You don't know if it's night or day," she said firmly.

That was true, the big billows of smoke blocked any view of the sky. "What is it?" he asked.

"I've been having a vision," she said slowly, "over and over. Actually, for about two years, now. It's about — oh, no, Star, I didn't tell Father about this one." Starseeker raised an eyebrow. If she didn't tell Morrowseer or Starseeker about this vision, it must be important.

"It is," Moon said. She shifted her talons uncomfortably. She always did that when Morrowseer was brought up. Starseeker was terrified of him, too. "It's, um — it's about a NightWing dragonet. He likes scrolls and is kind and caring. He has four friends that he grew up with under a mountain: a SeaWing, a MudWing, a RainWing, and a SandWing. These dragons are all very important, I can feel it. So, um, the NightWing I saw in my vision. He's here."

"Really?" Starseeker said.

"Yes," she said. "I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop thinking, and I was looking out the cave when I saw two NightWings dragging the NightWing from my vision out from the tunnel to the rainforest. They brought him to the dragonet dormitory about an hour ago. Can we go there? Please?"

He looked at her hopeful expression. If Moon wants to go there, then she must really think that NightWing means something, Starseeker thought. "Well, sure. Whatever you want."

He spread his wings and took flight; Moon following shortly behind him. The air was filled with the smell of death and rotten eggs and death. Starseeker couldn't imagine why the NightWings would want to live on the volcano. Why would they choose to live here, instead of anywhere else? Why not on the mainland, where the sky was blue and the air was fresh and the trees were alive?

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