Chapter 5: Shut up.

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Starseeker knew he couldn't hide forever. Eventually, the NightWings would find them all. Soon. Some RainWings had found NightWing spies lurking in the trees, and Tsunami had violently  dismembered them, despite Sunny's best efforts.

The DoD started to gain alliances with other queens and let in some dragons to join, including a SandWing named Qibli, a SeaWing named Turtle, and an IceWing named Winter. They were all right, and usually hung out with Kinkajou, Lily, Starseeker, and Moonwatchers' little group. (Some dragons started calling them the Jade Winglet.)

Starseeker didn't like Winter very much, he was a little rude and former, and acted like everyone was lower than him, but Starseeker could tell Winter was growing on them. But Winter's sister Icicle was even WORSE. Icicle was always hinting snide comments about Stonemover, Starseeker, Moon, Starflight, and another NightWing — Fatespeaker. Starseeker assumed she had lived with the Talons of Peace her whole life, considering he hadn't seen her around before.

Tsunami was trying to train the RainWings into becoming tough warriors, but she was failing incredibly. The RainWings were always have-awake, and holding their weapons upside down or "accidentally" poking themselves with it. Once, a RainWing complained why they couldn't go back to the rainforest and have fruit, and Tsunami almost bit the RainWing's ear off.

Queen Glory was still suspicious of Starseeker and Moonwatcher after about four days, and Starseeker had a feeling she was pondering on the idea of Morrowseer being their father.

The Dragonet of Destiny had their own tiny cave, which they called "the war room," where they talked about who knows what.

That afternoon, to Starseeker's surprise, Glory invited Starseeker and Moon to the war meeting.

He stepped in the cave nervously, noting that the ground felt like the jagged rock he had had to walk on for most of his life back at the volcano.

"Starseeker, Moonwatcher" said Glory, "you were invited to this meeting because something seems off."

"What do mean?" Starseeker said.

"You guys are going to explain you relationship with Morrowseer," she demanded. "Right now."

She knows.

She knows and we're dead.

They'll kick us out, then the NightWings will find us and Moon — Moon.....

"We're in this alliance together," Moon said quietly, "so we have no reason to lie. Morrowseer is our father."

Everyone stared at them. Tsunami's face was painted with pure rage, Sunny looked as if she would throw up, Clay just stared at them in betrayal, and Starflight's face was contorted with terror. And Queen Glory looked pleased.

"Told you. You now owe me," Glory said.

"Well screw you," Tsunami snapped.

"I think I might be sick," Sunny mumbled.

"You're really...?" Starflight asked, turning his head in the vague direction of Starseeker and Moon.

"It's true," Starseeker confirmed.

"Shut. Your. Face." Tsunami spat. With an loud, angry roar, the SeaWing stomped out of the cave, leaving the rest of the DoD bewildered.

"Wow," said Clay.

"You think?" Glory said.

"You and Tsunami had a bet going?" he asked, frowning.

"Yep, and I won and SHE LOST!" Glory shouted.

"SHUT UP, QUEENY!" Tsunami's voice yelled back from the cave hallway.

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