Chapter 18: The Plan

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Lily hesitated outside of the war room, the Jade Winglet behind her. Clay was sitting on top of Tsunami, and everyone was bickering, so she couldn't stop herself from laughing.

The DoD noticed her, and scrambled into their disciplined forms. Tsunami glared at her.

"What is now?" she demanded. "We were in the middle of discussing war, and you always have to intrude! Why do YOU have to — wha — are you smiling at me? My mother is the SeaWing que — STOP IT!"

Lily's grin only grew.

"GlORY! YOU'RE her queen! Make her stop!"

"Sorry, 'Nami, no can do," Glory said, smirking.

"Glory," Clay told her sternly, "do I have to sit on you again?"

Sunny facetaloned. "Okay, obviously I'm the most civilized dragon here," she sighed, turning to the Jade Winglet. "What is it?"

"We'll get right to the point," Qibli began, spreading his wings to gesture towards the others. "We think Morrowseer and Blister will ally together to defeat us."

Before the Dragonets of Destiny could react, Turtle added, "they were going to alley in the war —"

"— they both hate us —" Lily added.

"— and are evil masterminds," Peril finished.

The Dragonets of Destiny exchanged glances. 

"I have to say, I'm not surprised," Starflight admitted ruefully. "They're right; they did try to ally in the war."

"Crap." Tsunami muttered.

"Damn it, I know," Glory hissed through gritted teeth, scales blood red. She flared her wings. "Look. You are right, and we can't stay stuck up in this moon forsaken mountain for much longer. For all we know, Morrowseer is planning a raid."

"He probably is," Starseeker agreed. "That's why we thought to tell you."

"So what do you expect us to do?"

Ripples of white shot through Lily's scales, and she stared at her queen in shock. She then looked back at Moonwatcher and Starseeker. "Your Majesty...we have a plan."


"You're a WHAT?!"

Turtle shrank down. "I'm sorry!" he cried. "I just — its always been private..."

"But you're powers could have helped us months ago!" Starflight cried. "An animus!"

"Hey, it's Turtle's own decision who he tells!" Tsunami barked, defending her brother. "He can use his powers with his free will."

"Still..." Glory murmured. 

"That's incredible," Clay said, astonished.

"Have you enchanted many things yet?" Sunny asked him nervously.

"No, no, not at all," Turtle assured her. "And I only made these two rocks kind of like dreamvisitors, so that we can visit each other's dreams."

" plan is dangerous, risky, and honestly, stupid." Tsunami declared. She paused. "Lets do it."

"Tsunami!" Sunny cried, half-scolding, half-surprised.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Tsunami's right," Glory said dryly. "It may not be the best plan, but there's a chance, and that's what matters."

Sunny turned worriedly to Moon and Starseeker. "Will you two be alright? If it doesn't work out...then...."

"I trust them," Starseeker said firmly. Moon nodded in agreement.

"Fine," said Queen Glory. "When do we start?"


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