Chapter 13: The Cold Truth

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Starseeker's ears were ringing.

He coughed and batted away smoke from his face. There was a sharp pain on his side and his talons were bleeding madly. 

Starseeker rubbed his eyes and saw a blurry vision of Moon being dragged away by Winter and he growled, trying to make an effort to get up. Lily was racing after Winter, cursing, but looked back at Starseeker.

She walked back a pulled him to his talons. "Come on, that jerk of a dragon thought Moon caused that thing," she said, helping him run over to the Jade Winglet.

"WINTER!" Starseeker yelled. "What do you think you're doing?"

Winter shoved bleeding Moon in a spare cave and cornered her. "Getting answers," he snapped. "Now, NightWing, you're going to tell us what you knew about the explosion.

The Jade Winglet stared at Moon, their faces twisted into different emotions.

Peril was the first to speak. "Look, igloo-face, I don't know about you but Moon did not cause that fire." Her voice was steady, but her face didn't look fully convinced.

Moon looked horrified. "I would never!"

"We know, but — but —" Qibli sputtered.

"How did you know?" Kinkajou pleaded.

"There's only one way," Winter growled before Moon could respond. "You lit it."

"She did not!" Starseeker argued. "She was with us when it happened, remember? And there's no motive! My sister would do that!"

Turtle inhaled, his eyes wide. "You had a vision, didn't you?" he said to Moon.

Moon looked around helplessly and met Starseeker's eyes.

He nodded silently.

She closed her eyes and held her breath. "Yes."

"What?" Qibli exclaimed. "But NightWings don't have powers!"

"Or were they lying before?" Winter spat.

"We weren't lying," Starseeker said.

"Only I have these powers, but they're pretty useless," Moon said.

"No it's not!' Kinkajou yelped.

"It's incredible!" Peril said with a note of hostility.

"Hold it." Qibli said. "Powers, plural?"

The whole world seemed to hold it's breath.

"Can you read our minds?" Turtle whispered.

Moon looked to Starseeker, to Lily, and back at her claws. 

"I would be lying if I said I couldn't," she admitted solemnly. "I'm sorry! It's always there, I can't turn it off —" she added with desperation.

Winter jumped back with a hiss. He turned to Starseeker and threw open his wings, cornering him. "Did you know about this?"

Lily slid to stand in front of Winter. "If you get your filthy talon near him I'll —"

"Or you'll what, RainWing?" Winter snarled.

Lily bristled. Her scales with the color of burning cherries. "Or you'll be a mere shiny corpse in a pools of my venom," she hissed in a way that was so un-Lily Starseeker's scales got all cold.

"You wouldn't," Winter spat.

"Want to find out?" Lily snapped.

"Stop! Please!" Moon dashed over between Lily and Winter. "It's not his fault," she said. She hesitated. "I wouldn't favor to lose a you did."

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