Chapter 10: Keeper of Secrets

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Morrowseer's POV:

It had been a week since Deathbringer's departure, and he still wasn't back. Morrowseer told himself it had only been seven days, though any excuse to kill off Deathbringer was an excuse Morrowseer would take, if small.

Deathbringer had probably been distracted by some pretty dragon and was currently mooning over her now.

Morrowseer growled in impatience and stalked to what was the "dungeon": a large wooden shack, not letting any light through, although it only held one prisoner. The guards opened the door, and he stepped inside.

"I want to let you out, you know," he said.

"And be a part of a tribe that is killing innocent RainWings and trying to hunt down my son an daughter? No, thank you," Secretkeeper replied. She was sitting straight on the boarded floor, shackled to the ground, staring at Morrowseer with her green-eyed gaze without a hint of fear in her eyes. Her posture didn't even flinch when he walked in.

He liked that about her.

"They need to be back where they belonged," he argued.

"Morrowseer, why do you think they ran away in the first place. Because they were scared of what their own tribe might do to them," she answered her own question. Secretkeeper narrowed her eyes. "What you might do to Moon."

"She could make our tribe —"

"Great again? Or is that an excuse for 'use her as a weapon and conquer all the tribes'? Morrowseer, the dragon standing in front of me is not the dragon I married."

"Why must you be impossible?"

"Because I'm Secretkeeper and I'm only telling the truth," Secretkeeper smirked.

"No, because you're stubborn and like to be the smartest dragon in the room," he corrected.

"Perhaps. So. Why did you come? Bored? Longing for my whimsical advice?"

"You're awfully sarcastic today." he remarked.

"Well, I like to have the very few dragon interactions I have to be good ones. Now back to my question."

Morrowseer exhaled. "A scout finally returned a few weeks ago," he said.

"Oh? Any news?"

"Sure. The scout had come back with a dismembered NightWing body of one of the other scouts I sent. He found the body in a clearing near the rainforest with WE WILL BE BACK AND YOU WILL BE NEXT painted in the NightWing's own blood on a rock."

Secretkeeper arched her brows. "Oh my. How...creative."


She searched his expression. " refuse to be intimidated?"

Morrowseer frowned at Secretkeeper, privately wondering if she was mocking him. "I suppose."

"Any clues on where they might be?"

"I have suspicions about Jade Mountain, but I sent Deathbringer on a job a week ago."

She snorted with amusement. "I thought you hated Deathbringer."

"I do. I'm using him as a last resort," Morrowseer said. "I assume he's failed already."

"Have some faith in your tribe. He's a loyal NightWing, and probably hit a little bump in the road, that's all," Secretkeeper said.

"Really?" Morrowseer said doubtfully.

"Of course not. I'm trying to lift your spirits and know completely well that Deathbringer has a witty mind of his own."

Morrowseer barked a laugh. "Good-bye, Secretkeeper." He headed for the door.

"See ya," she called back.

He had to admit, he was feeling a little better thank before he talked with her.

It was good to be confirmed she was still the  same, good, yet sarcastic Secretkeeper he knew.

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