Chapter 11: Embers and Peril

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while.

All within two days later, Lily was nowhere to be found, and Starseeker really really REALLY hoped Glory hadn't murdered her, (fifty-fifty chance, though, knowing Queen Glory), or maybe a NightWing scout finally managed to find a prisoner. Or maybe they killed her instead. That thought vanished quickly — A, Starseeker knew his father. Morrowseer wasn't the type to kill off an informant (before he got any information out of her). B, hello, this is Lily we're talking about. If she had gotten caught, she would've outsmarted the NightWings and escaped or duked it out with them, and totally won.

He even forgot a few times about the news that had been spreading around Jade Mountain recently: Queen Battlewinner was dead, according to one of the RainWing scouts leaving her daughter, Greatness directly in line for the throne. Starseeker was not worried about this; Greatness wasn't exactly the queen type. What he was worried about was Morrowseer, who would no doubt try to manipulate the queen into his bidding.

Starseeker was just about to go look for Lily again when a stone-colored RainWing popped into view in front of him.

"GAH!" he yelled.

"I've been caught," Lily said, her usual vibrant blues and purples seeping back into her scales.

"Where've you been? We've been worried sick!" Starseeker said. 

She shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry. Couldn't risk you guys getting your head ripped off by Queen Glory too."

He blinked. "She didn't —"

"I've been going undercover," she explained. "Her Majesty can sometimes, but I should have known she'd find me eventually. She's not like any other queen we've had."

"I bet," he agreed. 

"And the RainWing who spilled the beans? Guess who it was." She didn't wait for an answer. "None other than BROMLAID. Ugh. She. Is. The. Worst. EVER."

Before Starseeker could comment, several SkyWings barreled past them, looking horrified.

"It's back!" one of them yelled.

"What?" said Starseeker.


"Danger?" he repeated.

Lily looked startled. "They're saying a name," she said. She tipped her head. "Let's go see!"

"Okay —"

Lily ran through the caves with him until they came into the entrance cave, where there was a big crowd of dragons, mostly pissed and snarling SkyWings. Starseeker and Lily squeezed past them and met up with the Jade Winglet, who were staring at the dragon in the middle of the cave.

A SkyWing. Her scales were orange and gold and smoking, and Starseeker realized flames were coursing through her veins and wings. Her eyes were the color of blue fire, and she had an expression of uncertainty painted on her face.

"What's going on?" Starseeker asked under his breath.

"I'll tell you what's going on," Winter snarled. "This monstrous thing assumed she was welcome here, in our rebellion, here to kill every single dragon in Jade Mountain for Queen Scarlet."

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold it," said Qibli. "How would you know that? She just arrived and you're calling her a monster?"

"Yeah, I heard Queen Glory talking about Peril yesterday," said Kinkajou.

"Was she talking about this being a bad idea?" Winter asked.

Kinkajou hesitated. "Well, kinda, but — okay yes."

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