Chapter 9: Gossip

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The Jade Winglet had just caught a mountain goat and was now sharing it at what dragons started to call he Prey Center.

Starseeker could tell Moon absolutely hated it. She always froze in the entrance and gazed around in terror, and then only spoke a few words during the entire time she was in the Prey Center. Sometimes it took her a moment or two to consider what a dragon said. He had even caught her trying to sneak out of he cave once. 

Because of that, Starseeker would try to lead the Jade Winglet somewhere else to eat, like maybe in a different cave or on the forest floor beside Jade Mountain. The others usually agreed.

Not this time.

Starseeker ate his part of the goat while Moon nervously nibbled on her portion. 

Qibli was talking about how Sunny had met Thorn, and Kinkajou kept jumping in and out of parts with exaggerated "OOO"s and "whoa, really?!"s.

"That was epic," Kinkajou declared when Qibli was finished telling his story.

"It was no such thing," Winter scoffed.

"I though it was cool," Starseeker said.

"Eh," Peril shrugged, chewing on her charred goat.

"The only stories I've ever read were my mother's," Turtle admitted.

"GUYS! Guys." Lily came rushing in, covering her mouth with her talon, but her shoulders were shaking. Starseeker's heart gave a little leap as she came in.

"Hey, Lily!" Kinkajou said. "Where were you?"

Lily bit her tongue and doubled over laughing. "You all should have been up last night! It might have been the most hilarious moment of my life!" she cried. 

Starseeker grinned. "What happened?"

"Haven't you heard? I thought RainWing gossip spread fast," she said, still giggling.

"Heard what?" Turtle asked.

"Okay, so there was an assassin last night, and I was awake and I camouflaged and followed him, and Bromlaid and Dazzling were sleeping during their watch hours, and Deathbringer was about to kill Queen Glory when I shouted and woke up Glory and Tsunami, and Glory pinned him to the ground and —"

"Wait." Kinkajou's scales shifted into deep red and black. "Dazzling and Bromlaid WERE ASLEEP DURING THEIR WATCH HOURS?" The Jade Winglet slowly backed away from Kinkajou.

Lilly nodded.

"Why, those little BANANA SLUGS!" Kinkajou yelled, raising her fist.

"Don't worry, they got what they deserved," Lily said. "The Dragonets of Destiny called in Tsunami."

"Ah," Kinkajou said, relaxing. "Good."

"So anyway, Glory pinned Deathbringer to the ground and Deathbringer started flirting with her!" Lily laughed. 

"Wow, that's just — wow," Qibli said.

Starseeker knew what he meant. No one "flirted" with Queen Glory. That was suicide. "What did they do with Deathbringer's body?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Moon chuckled.

"He's alive," Lily told him.

Winter blinked at her. "Pardon?"

"He's alive. Miracle" Lily said.

"But — but — where's the logic?" Turtle sputtered.

"Where is this Deathbringer guy?" Peril demanded. "AND HOW IN THREE MOONS IS HE NOT DEAD?"

Lily sighed, smiling. "Young love. Isn't it wonderful?" she grinned.

Everyone stared at her, then burst out laughing.

"No way!" Starseeker managed to gasp. "She's not!"

"Is she?" Turtle smiled.

"I think she might be," Lily said.

"She is," Moon said, and Starseeker believed her. She was a mind reader, after all.

A RainWing popped out of thin air beside her, causing Moon to scream.

"Thanks!" the RainWing said, and then disappeared.

Silence fell.

Starseeker slowly turned to Lily. "What did you say about RainWing gossip spreading quickly?" he asked. 

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