Chapter 7: Spears and Scavengers

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Spoiler warning for people who haven't read Legends: Dragonslayer!

Deathbringer had been searching for the past three days with no luck. He had went north of the rainforest, stopped at a lake and caught some fish, and kept going. Then he saw the Mud Kingdom and instantly went west.

There happened to be a scavenger den where he was headed, and decided to check out the "cute" little scavengers.

He swooped over the little den, and noticed that there were actually houses. Houses. 

Did the them? he wondered. He also noticed a bell, and a well, and little street markets. He even saw a tiny scavenger holding some sort of furry creature...a tiger, or something?

He squinted. A few scavengers were pointing up some sort of contraption, and there was a whoosh! near his wing. 

A spear! Deathbringer realized. Could scavengers really make SPEARS?

Either way, Deathbringer needed to get going before the scavengers' aim got accurate, so he flew even more west, towards the mountains, and he didn't stop until he got there.

Soon, Deathbringer was a big heap heavy breathing and black scales on the forest floor.

"Whoa. Who the heck are you?"

Deathbringer's head shot up and looked around vigorously. He found an odd-looking SkyWing, but it's scales with the wrong color. It was almost a washed-out orange, and blue eyes like a roasted-over lake. And on his head, frowning at Deathbringer, was a scavenger.

"AH!" Deathbringer jumped back. He did not want another scavenger encounter today. "Get back! Shoo!"

"'Shoo?' What do you think I am, some kind of animal?"

Deathbringer stared at the scavenger.

It was TALKING. IN DRAGON. TOHIM. "You're — that's —" he sputtered.

"Not every day you see a scavenger speaking in Dragon, huh?" she said.

"But that's impossible!" Deathbringer's mind was whirling. THERE WAS NO WAY THIS SCAVENGER COULD TALK. PERIOD.

"I'm afraid not," she replied. "What's your name?"

"D-Deathbringer." He found it somewhat silly that he was telling his name to a scavenger. But he was so paralyzed that he was actually thinking thoughts right now.

"What?" she said.

"Deathbringer," he repeated, gaining full consciousness.

The scavenger made a lot of weird squeaking noises; the last one sounded a little triumphant.

"Murderbasket!" she cried. "It's Murderbasket, right?"

"Wha — no!" Deathbringer exclaimed. "Deathbringer. DEATH. BRINGER. Deathbringer!"

The scavenger nodded and did something with her mouth that looked like a smirk. He wondered if that was what he always looked like.

"Nah," she said. "It's totally Murderbasket."

He let out a frustrated growl. He looked at the odd-looking SkyWing. "What's your scavenger's name?"

"What! HEY! He's MY dragon, not the other way around!" the scavenger yelled.

The SkyWing sighed. "Oh, yes. Her name is Wren and I am Sky. She is really the troublemaker and always getting into —" He exploded into giggles and sank to the ground.

Wren rolled her eyes and patted Sky affectionately. "I know, he's a very silly turtle-face."

"Is this a dream, or an illusion, or something? Because this is possible," Deathbringer said.

"It's reality, Murderbasket." She took something pointy and poky from her back and examined it. "Would it help if I did — oops!" Wren tripped and the sharp sword thingy cut into Deathbringer's talon. New pain burst into his arm.

"OW!" he roared.

"Sorry!" Wren cried. "Uh. Friends?"

"Not if you keep doing that and calling me Murderbasket. That is not my name!" Deathbringer grumbled.

"Yes it is." Wren said. "It's just a different way of saying your name."

"My real name is scary and terrifying, and 'Murderbasket' is plain stupid," he pointed out.

"Eh. I don't care. My dragon and I are just passing through, so we would appreciate it if you would not eat us."

"I would never eat a scavenger that is smart enough to learn Dragon," Deathbringer said. "You were quite lucky you bumped into me and not someone else."

"Why, thank you." said Wren.

"Good bye forever!" Sky called as he dashed into the trees, Wren dangling off him. Deathbringer a crash and a "OW! Sky!" and with that, leaving Deathbringer dazed and confused.

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