Chapter 4

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{Ron's POV}

I know something is up with Harry, I just can't quite put my finger on it. He had a scar on his face, but I didn't bring it up, he always looked worse for wear after coming back from the holidays. He also looked thin, too thin however I decided not to mention that either. After all he is my mate, he should be comfortable telling me what's going on in his life.

"Oh look we are at the great hall already!" Hermione said with an excited voice.
"Yeah can't wait for the feast, haven't eaten in a few hours." I said sarcastically.
"Yeah but imagine not eating for weeks..." Harry said really quietly, but not enough for me not to hear him.
"Mate are you alright?"
"Oh yeah, did I say that out loud?"
"Yeah, you did..."
"Oh shit umm, forget it, it was a umm.. joke..," He said, I obviously didn't believe him because he seemed on edge, but I didn't bring it up.

We had sat down at the gryffindor table and waited for the first years to get sorted.

{Harry's POV}

We were sat on the gryffindor table and the first years had just been sorted, it was time for Dumbledore's speech.

"Welcome all, back to Hogwarts! This year we have-"
"Heh hem" an annoying voice interrupted Dumbledore's

A/N in my story Harry never has the dementor attack but they still had a brief history, it will be explained later :)

A pink blob walked up to where he was standing and took his place.
"I recognise her"
"What, that piece of chewed up gum?" Ron said in response, I swear I heard him chuckle at his own joke.
"Yeah, you know that woman I told you about that I saw in the ministry?" He nods "Well, that's her.."
He gasped, only him and Hermione know the story, I would rather not repeat it.

"If you would all quieten down now that would be much appreciated."
I sighed
"My name is Dolores Umbridge, but you will call me professor Umbridge, I am the new defence against the dark arts teacher." She said in her unusually 'sweet' voice.
Dumbledore went back to his podium and knocked her out the way.
"Now that we have sorted that, the 5th years will be sharing dorms as a social experiment, slytherins share with gryffindors and hufflepuffs share with ravenclaws."
I gasped
Malfoy is going to NAG me about what happened on the train and the rest of the slytherins are probably going to hex and bully me, great just great.
"They can't do that c-can they?" I asked scared if the answer.
"I'm afraid the can Harry, because it is for learning purposes." She said with a hint of I'm-a-know-it-all in her voice.
"Great just great, I mean as long as I'm not sharing with Malfoy." Said Ron, and lucky for him he was passing by.
"Oi weasel-bee watch your mouth."

"Oh shove off Malfoy." Said Ron with a snigger.
Malfoy then left to go talk to Zabini and Parkinson, him and his friends seemed to have a good bond, I wonder how someone like Malfoy would be capable of making friends. Well never mind that.

The feast had began and looking at all the food made me feel queasy.
"Hey mate, you not going to eat anything?" Said Ron piling his plate with food, it really disgusts me to see someone eat that much.
"Umm no I'm good, not hungry..."
"Are you sure Harry?" Hermione questioned.
"Yes I'm sure."
There was an awkward silence for a few minutes until Dumbledore told us where the dorms are.

"The password is touché." He said.
What an odd password.
"Professor? Why touché?" Questioned Seamus.
"Ahh well, it's a word no one would ever expect." He responded in his calm voice.
I mean, he wasn't wrong.
"You are free to go in, your names are on your dorm rooms so figure out who you are sharing with! Have a good night students."
"Thank you professor Dumbledore" most of us said in unison.
After a few seconds Dra-Malfoy was barging his way to the front,
"Out of my way, out of my way." He kept saying until he got to the front.
"touché" he said, the picture had swung open and knocked a slytherin to their feet. Most of the gryffindors laughed, I stayed silent, mostly because I couldn't be arsed to deal with anything.

{Draco's POV}

I noticed all of the gryffindors laughing and snorting but I had turned my attention to Potter, a boy who seemed different, he always looked sad, I wanted to help so bad, but I knew I needed to earn his trust somehow. Very Malfoy of me.

"Ok ok, let's go inside now, it's 9 o clock." Said Blaise pointing to the inside of the dorm.
The slytherins had entered first and I was trying to locate my room, Blaise has to share with Weasel, poor poor Blaise, Pansy had to share with Granger, that can't be too bad, but she is a mudblood.

Then I walked over to where I saw my name,
Wait, no, this can't be right, will he even want to share with me?

I looked over to him, it looked like he was got with a body-binding curse.
"Look Potter-"
"It's fine Malfoy, just avoid talking to me, that way we won't hex each other."
"Wait, I wanted to ask if we could... be friends, we share a room now, no need to be enemies? Right?" I asked anxiously.
"Ok, I would like that, but I must warn you-"
"I tend to have bad nightmares so- never mind, I just have bad nightmares." He said sadly
"Oh ok that's fine. They can't be that bad."
He just chuckled

"Ok Potter let's go to sleep, we can unpack tomorrow, you look like you need rest."
"Ok ok sure, I just gotta go to the toilet quickly."
" Ok sure, just be quick." I said and he entered the bathroom.

I had started to rest on the bed when I heard a whimper, and another, they were coming from the...bathroom?
"Harry are you alright?"

A/N sorry this is a long chapter, it's 11 at night and I was bored, cliff hanger woohoo

(1030 words)


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