Chapter 20

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Jk it was the way :p

{Draco's POV}

"HE IS MOVING! HE IS ALIVE!" I shout in joy realising my boyfriend is not dead.

I could hear silent cheering from everyone else in the room.

"Now now, settle down. Poppy, get a pain killing potion and maybe a calming draught just in case. The rest of us will wait until Mr. Potter wakes up." Dumbledore said calmly.

I heard a long groan that came from the one and only. He must me in pain. Oh god my baby.

"Dray calm down your shaking." Pansy says to me
"Yeah ok sorry." I say calming myself down. I have to pull myself together for Harry.

We sat quietly for 5 minutes until Harry had opened those beautiful green eyes. Dreamy.

"HARRY!" I screech and hug him tightly. He whimpered so I let go. When I looked at him he had cuts all over his body that weren't there literally a second ago.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" I shout, he flinched away.

"Calm now Mr. Malfoy, let Harry explain at his own pace." Mcgonagall said to me sternly. I nodded.

We all looked at Harry, who for the record looked frightened.

{Harry's POV}

They all turned and stared at me.
"H-hey guys?" I asked nervously "w-what's up?"
"What happened to you?" Dray asked me

"Umm." I sigh "I-I really don't wanna talk about it."
"Oh." Most of the people said in the room.

"Ok Harry, you do not have to tell us what happened. We just want to know if you know how you got there and how you got hurt." Dumbledore had said to me

"W-well. I'm not exactly sure how I got there. The last thing I remember before getting there was Ginny using the killing curse on me." I sigh "w-when I got there, Voldemort was there. He must have been waiting for me, or expecting me to get there. He told me I was a hocus? Horcux? I don't remember the word. Anyway the reason I'm hurt is because-"

"I actually don't remember, the rest is a blur." I finish not wanting to be tortured any more
Dumbledore nodded, I can tell he knows I'm lying, he can see past my facade. However he won't know why I am lying. He can't know.

"Ok. That's all we needed to know m'boy, we will leave now to let you get some rest. It's been a long day for all of us. Farewell." He said as he walked out 'gracefully'.

Draco looked at me with a sympathetic look, "are you alright?" I nodded not really knowing if I was. He didn't look convinced but left me with a goodnight kiss anyway.

I waved goodbye to the rest of the crew and lay down in by bed the rest of the night not daring to sleep.

With the thoughts of being raped by Ginny coming back to me. The crutiatus curse hitting me multiple times. The fact that Voldemort is still in my head and can take control at any time he desires.

It's all too much.

Too much to handle.

I could just end it all.

Would that kill Voldemort with me?

Would I have to kill Voldemort just so everyone else can live?

I'm being too selfish.

I cant die.

People need me, Dray needs me, or maybe he doesn't.

More of these thoughts swarmed my head all night.
Not getting a minutes sleep.


Before I knew it, it was morning. And someone had walked in.

"Good morning Mr. Potter." It was Poppy
"'Morning Poppy."
She had put a few potions on the table next to me
"How are you feeling?" She asked
"Umm, I think my arm may be broken? My head is hurting quite a bit. But the rest is fine I guess."

She sighed as she got on with healing me. It hurt. But overall worth it.

"Would you like to get out if here today?"
I nodded very eagerly
"Ok ok, you are free to go."
"Thanks Poppy! Bye!"
"Bye Potter!" I heard before I dashed to our common room.

Before I could reach there I could hear Draco. It sounded like he was.....moaning?

I peeked behind the door to see him making out with Astoria Greengrass. That bitch.

I ran to the common room as fast as I can. I said the password and went in.

"Hey Harry! Looks like she let you o-" Hermione said "are you alright? Why are you crying?"

" I-I saw Draco c-cheat on me." I said before I started sobbing in her arm.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." She looked really angry and took me to my room. "Don't do anything stupid." She said pointing to my arm. I nodded even though I wanted to. It's not worth it, Hermione is scary when she is angry and it's pointed towards you.


(877 words)

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