{Harry's POV}
"Here I go..." I paused, "Oh and please don't Interrupt me, it would help." I said distressed
Everyone nodded in agreement
"So as you all know I have TERRIBLE nightmares, and sometimes, they-" I sighed "they get so bad that what ever happens in my nightmare, happens in real life, like this scar," I pointed to my hand "it's small but it was a deep cut from one of my nightmares." I finished waiting to start the new topic."The reasons I have these nightmares, are because of V-Voldemort. But most of them are from something worse..."
"How could something be worse than V-" Ron said but was nudged by Hermione to stop
"Well, you know my relatives are muggles. Right?"{Draco's POV}
"Well you know my relatives are muggles. Right?" He asked, I nodded but I didn't know, I thought he lived with his magic Aunt and Uncle. Anyway, he was probably still treated like a king.
"The muggles are my aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon and my cousin Dudley. And, they aren't the nicest of people." He paused "well, they aren't the nicest of muggles. Ever since I had been left at their doorstep I was treated like a piece of gum at the bottom of your shoe. My bedroom was a cupboard under the stairs, and I could barely fit In it. At the age of three I had to do many chores around the house, like sweep, mop, dust, so on. At five I had to cook, weed the garden, and clean every room in the house in one day, and if I didn't, I would not get to eat anything, and also get...get beaten up - Uncle Vernon was the only one who got extremely physical with me - he would use a variety of different weapons, such as knives, whips, stuff to burn me and his own body parts. However their own son was treated like a king, he would get everything he wanted, from a toy, to beating me senseless. Whatever he wanted. To make it better, whenever Dudley beat me up, Vernon would always cheer him on, "go Dudley!" "Aim for the ribs" and so on. I started cutting when I was nine, I couldn't bare the thought of not having control over anything, so I found the one thing I do have control of. If I wanted to I could stop, but that's the thing, what if I don't? Any way, my point is that I hate the Dursley's and they abused me and made by childhood a miserable piece of shit." He finished inhaling a lot of air, leaving me star struck, trying g to process all the information I was just given.
{Harry's POV}
"Oh Harry..." Hermione had said, and I wanted to cry, but that would make me weak so I held back my tears
"Harry, I'm sorry mate, I never noticed, I mean I noticed you weren't eating and coming back every summer looking worse for wear, but I didn't know it was this bad." Ron said showing sympathy.
"Guys, I'm sorry I hadn't told you, I didn't want pity, I hate it, I learned to be independent since 2 years old, heck, I don't even know what love feels like, only pain and it calms me down when I'm stressed, that is why I cut. I found out I was staying with Draco, and he was going to see my nightmares, which would make things worse for me, and scar Draco." I said letting a tear slip, I can't believe I'm crying.Silence had engulfed the room
"Harry, I'm glad you told me all this, and I hope we can be friends, I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you, Hermione told me about what had happened after you'd hurt me." I glared at Hermione but then said yes to Draco's statement and hugged him, he tensed up.
"Oh I-Im sorry, I will let go..." I said kind of embarrassed, know one knew, but I was gay and had feelings for Draco, he was hot, and I knew his heart was pure, he just never used it.
"No Harry, it was fine, just wasn't ready!""Hey what time is it?" Ron asked changing the subject.
I casted a tempus charm and it read 4:09am
"Thanks mate, you wanna go through some homework with Hermione and I, Draco you can come to." Ron said
"Umm sure okay, just feeling a bit sick." I said
"I will join you guys and watch Harry." Draco had said and I smiled at him. I got a smile back.We had all stood up to go to the desk but I immediately sat back down again
"You alright there Harry?" Asked Hermione in her worried tone
"Umm a bit light headed, my head is still bleeding. Maybe I should go to Madame Pomfrey at 7." I said
They nodded.We ended up getting the homework done in time to see Poppy before breakfast.
We had entered the infirmary and were greeted by a cheerful hostess, "hey Harry, my regular patient, ooh your head looks nasty, sit on the bed. But the rest of you out!" She said, they tried to argue but failed miserably and left with a huff.
"Alright Potter, take the glamour off I can see it from a mile away..." Was it really that obvious?
A/N kinda cliffhanger, sorry not sorry. Anyway ily all 💐
(1039 words)

The not so Golden boy
FanfictionHarry James Potter, the boy who had it all. Right? Wrong. What happens when one year all Harry's hidden secrets about his personal life come to light? How will people around him react? This is a Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter story. Warning -> Abuse ...