{Harry's POV}
"Alright Potter take the glamour off I can see it from a mile away..." was it really that obvious?
"H-How did you know..?" I asked cautiously
"Well Harry you forget I am a medi-witch and was taught all this, it's a great glamour though, high end."
"Oh ok, but please don't be disgusted by what you see, I haven't showed anyone. But you do remember about the...m-my home life, right?" I ask
"Yes Harry, sadly I do, what happened this summer?" She askedI was afraid to say, because there was one thing I hadn't told anyone.
"Well, the usual, beating but a bit worse, almost died at one point and fainted a couple of times. But nothing out of the ordinary." I said embarrassed looking down at the floor 'hmm what a pretty floor'
"I'm not sure what is up with you Harry but that what you described, is NOT ordinary. Anyway can I do some scans on you? There may be stuff that are not healed, oh and take the glamour off now." She said sternly
"Yes you can do scans" I say taking my glamour off.After a while of painful and ticklish scans she came back looking quite pale, which too say the least made my face drain of colour.
"Poppy, W-what's wrong, you look like you seen a ghost haha" i said very nervously
"U-umm you have some minor infections and open wounds, broken bones, which I'm surprised you cannot feel right now, and-and..." she paused taking in a breath "Harry? Why didn't you tell me you were raped? M-more than once?" She said sadly, I had managed to hide this thought so well, and now, someone knows."I-I'm really sorry, it's hard to talk about. I-it just hurt a lot." I said more embarrassed than before
"Ok ok one more question, by who?" She asked curiously
"Before I answer that question, do you have any dreamless sleep potions?"
"Yes I do, I will go get one." She said and left. She returned in 2 mins, damn I love Poppy (for the weird people, yes as friendly love not the pervey kind 💕)"Here sweetie, can you tell me now?" She says handing me the potion
"Ok well, the first time was when I was s-s-seven" I chocked down my sob "It was by my uncle Vernon, I had smashed a plate by accident, he was really mad that night and apparently I had deserved a bad punishment. He said and I quote 'I'm very mad and horny, and my wife refuses to do anything about my needs so, you will do the job' and sadly, that he did. The others were by gangs of people, mostly from Dudley and his friends. I'm used to it, but it hurts like fu-heck." I said tears threatening to drip from my eyes
"Oh Harry...I didn't know it was that bad. She said sadly.There was an awkward silence
"Umm well, drink the potion and get some rest, your littered with cuts bruises and broken bones, the pain will kick in soon, so just try and get as much sleep as you can." She said with pity
"That's great" I say sarcastically "thanks anyway Poppy, it's great opening up to you" I say smiling
"Yes it's great talking to you as well Harry, get some rest now, good night"
"Hmm g'night" I say with the affects of the potion wearing inAnd with that I fall asleep finally with no nightmares. However tomorrow, will be an eventful day, I didn't know what would hit me.
A/N Ooh foreboding I love it tee hee, thank you for the unlucky people reading this!
Do you think there will be a happy ending?
Tell me in the comments!
{641 words}

The not so Golden boy
FanfictionHarry James Potter, the boy who had it all. Right? Wrong. What happens when one year all Harry's hidden secrets about his personal life come to light? How will people around him react? This is a Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter story. Warning -> Abuse ...