Chapter 12

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{Draco's POV}

I woke up at 7, so I had roughly and hour to get ready. I was worrying about Harry so much that my hair didn't get much attention- that's different.

I had a shower (while thinking about Harry)
I made my bed (while thinking about Harry)
Brushed my teeth (while thinking about Harry)

That was all I did really- I love him so much, and I hate to see him in pain. He is my everything, and he will be mine.

It was now 8 and I headed to the common room to see a bunch of anxious people,
"Everyone doing alright?" I ask as an attempt to defuse the tension
"Nervous 'bout Harry." Ron mumbled back
"Yeah I get that- couldn't get him out my head this morning." I say
"Neither could I." Hermione added
"Same." Blaise said
"It's so funny." Pansy sighed "we weren't even friends a few weeks ago and now look at us!"
"Yeah how about that." I responded

We all decided to skip breakfast and head to the hospital wing. I burst through the door, the gang behind me,
"Madame Pomfrey! How is he?" Hermione asks first
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" I snapped scared for the-boy-I-love
She sighs "as you have probably guessed, he has a concussion." I nod "he has a few...side affects."
"What kind of side affects?" Pansy asks

She walks over to Harry's bed and gestures for us to follow,
"He will have trouble speaking for the next few days- or weeks" she says the last part quietly "Oh and he lost his sense of taste- for how long? I do not know."

Well at least he is ok and is breathing and living and not in pain.

"Wake him up whenever you shall please. I must be off now, you can leave with him but I advise he do not attend classes for a week." She says before leaving the room.

I shake him to wake him up

"Hiya Harry, you feeling alright?" I ask trying to mask my concern for him

{Harry's POV}

"Hiya Harry, you feeling alright?" Someone asked me
"Hmm- 'dunno head 'urts" I said
"Well you did fall 10 metres on it so it would hurt" Blaise said trying to make the situation better
"Ha ha, very funny Blaise" Draco says to defend me- god I love him so much.

"D'co?" I ask
"What 'wrong with 'm voice?" I ask once again curiously
"Oh I'm sorry, it will be like that for a while- you can try and focus on fixing it" he says
I inwardly groan
"Come on, Poppy said you could leave. So we are going to get lunch."
"M'kay" I reply.

We all walked to the great hall and no one feared to give me a death stare, and I tense up and start to shake a bit,
"Harry? Are you alright?" Hermione asks
"Too....m'ny people." I say mumbling
" you wanna go up to the dorm and eat?" Draco asks. Merlin I'm such a burden, everyone would be better off without me.
"N-no it's fine" I slur
"You Sure?"
"Yeah" curse myself
"Ok then."

The food appears on the table and I begin to feel the familiar feeling of nausea,
"Harry? Please can you eat something?" Draco begged
"I feel s'ck just l'king at it." I say
"Please. Just have a little bit of toast. You really are deadly thin, Harry." He says
"'K fine I will try." I say back

I grab a piece of toast and start nibbling, I start to get really worried-
"I-I can't taste n'thing!"
"Oh yeah we forgot to tell you. Poppy said you will have 'temporary' loss of taste." Ron said and I groaned and sighed at the same time if possible.
"Well at least I won't be able to taste what is making it's way out my system right now." I think they caught on, on what I was describing. I get up and run to myrtles bathroom.

{Ron's POV}

"Is it just me- or is he getting worse?" I ask
"I was dreading it. But yes, I think that is the case." 'Mione says
"So many things have happened to him- I mean from his perspective, he is handling it SO well! He watched someone get murdered in front of him- and suffered abuse alone for 14 years..." Draco trailed off
"You know, he has got a point." Pansy added

It's been a while now.
Where is he?

"He had been gone a while." I say " I will go and check on him, you guys stay here"
They reluctantly agreed

I was walking to Myrtles bathroom when I heard dry heaving. Must have been Harry,
"You alright in there mate?"
"R-Ron?" He asks slowly
"Yeah it's me do-"
"Help me." He says
"Do what Harry?" I ask
"I keep heaving, but I can't throw up- and it hurts like he-" he was cut off by heaving- once again

"Harry. If you just breathe. Calm down, it will all be fine. Ok?" I sigh "in....out....repeat."
And so he does
"Thanks mate- that better." He says and smiles at me
"No problem, why don't we go back to the common room. I will summon the gang."
"Yeah sounds good." He says and that is exactly what we did.

Harry- our saviour, the kindest person ever, my best friend. He was so hurt, I hate seeing him like that. But I know it will get better.
I smile at myself before drifting into a dreamless sleep.

A/N hi people this was posted at 2 in the morning- so don't mind any errors!

(945 words)

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