Chapter 17

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{Draco's POV}

We had been looking for him ALL night but there was no luck. I was beginning to get extremely worried for the one I love.

"L-look, we have been searching all night. How about we get some sleep and then search at 6 am sharp. It's Sunday tomorrow anyway." Hermione said
"Yes that sounds reasonable." Ron replied
The rest of us nodded

We had headed back to the dorm and we turned in to our rooms.

I had got changed and brushed my teeth ready for bed. I lay there for about an hour until I fell asleep.

-time skip brought to you by laziness-

It was 6 am and everyone was in the common room dressed up ready to start searching for the one and only.

"Where haven't we checked?" I asked
We all went into deep thought
"Myrtles bathroom?" Ron questioned
"Checked there." Pansy said

"WAIT!" Hermione screamed as we all jumped in shock
"WHAT!?" Blaise asked literally jumping off his chair
"The shrieking shack."
"OMG YES- we need to check there. NOW" I say

We burst out of the common room, Ignoring the weird stares we got running to the shack.

"How do we get past that?" Ron asked pointing to the whomping willow
"Run when I say." I said
They nodded not sure if they trust me



We ran past the tree and into the shack
"That was exhilarating." Blaise said out of breath

We heard whimpering coming from the room next to us.
"Guys, do you hear that?" Pansy asked
And another
"T-that sounds like Harry." I say sadly
"I-it does." Hermione responded

We rushed into the room.

{Harry's POV}

I was now tied up to the bed with shackles on my all fours. I wanted the pain to end. It hurt too much, all the punching, hexing, crucio and the rape, I don't think I can take it anymore.

What was up with Ginny?

"H-Harry!?" Someone called from the doorway, I'm assuming it was Ginny
"Please Ginny- please no more- please." I beg

I look up and see Draco and the gang, I felt happy for the first time in hours of agony. (Luckily I was wearing clothes)

"D-Dray?" I let out a breath "is that you?"
He rushes to me, "yes yes it's me it's me!"

"Oh thank fuck for that."

The rest of the gang came up to me

"So. It was Gin?" I flinched at the name and nodded
"I can't believe she did that to you." Ron sighed "what exactly did she do?"
I sighed shakily, "physical abuse mental abuse and s-sexual abuse."
They all engulf me in a hug

"Hey my sex toy are you ready-" she stopped in he tracks when she saw the other people

She backed up and Ron shot a hex at her

Draco was undoing the chains on my wrist and ankles when I felt a burning sensation in my chest.

I started to feel dizzy and extremely heavy headed- I started to loose my hearing and my sight. This is it, this is the end of my miserable life.

It's not like I am complaining.

I soon black out and hear a voice

"Well well well, we meet again, Harry."

(575 words)

A/N Sorry it is short

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