Chapter 13

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{Harry's POV}

I didn't get any sleep as my stomach kept me up all night with it's constant growling. And the pain in my head was terrible, but I REALLY don't want to tell anyone about because I'm already a burden.

I am SO hungry and want some real food. But I know I will throw it all up again.

These thoughts are replaced by Cedric- which instantly kills me and my 'positive' mindset. I go to the bathroom and grab my razor,
"No one will know. Right?"

{Draco's POV}

I woke up and was just lying on the bed, I heard Harry enter the bathroom and say,
"No one will know. Right?"
Huh, weird
"No one will know what Harry?" I ask with a playful tone
"Shit. I mean nothing just that- umm I need new clothes."
Obviously I didn't believe him
"I'm coming in there!" And before he could respond I barged in and I saw what happened,
"Harry....I thought you were making progress." I say and I see a tear slip Harry's eye
"I can't do it Dray, I just can't, I need to cut. It- I can't explain." He says crying. I go and hug him. I take him out of the bathroom and heal his arm.

He calmed dow a bit.

"Hey Harry?" I ask "mhm"
"What would you think if I did this?" I question
"Do w- mfmh" i cut him off as I place my lips on his. I feel him freeze but he kisses back after realising what going on.

The kiss went on for 3 minutes and we pulled apart

"I wanted to do that once 2nd year." I say
"Same, believe it or not." He says back to me as he places a soft peck on my cheek. I giggle.

He casted a tempus charm and it was time for breakfast, we noticed the common room empty so we headed to breakfast to see all the gang there,
"Hey Pans, Blaise, Ron, Hermione!" I say
"Hey you two!" They say at the same time

Me and Harry sit down opposite Hermione and Ron.

I pile my plate up with food and notice Harry staring at it hungrily and longingly.

"Harry? You going to put food?" I ask
"Nah, 'm not hungry." His speech is getting better but it's still not great
"Are you sure?"
Before he could answer I heard a growl from his stomach
"Please stop lying to me Harry."
He didn't say anything and got up
"I will see you at DADA." He said in a monotone voice.

"What's up with him?" Blaise asked eating some waffles.
"Well...I'm not sure. I caught him this morning- cutting that is- and I think he is struggling- a lot."
This statement earns some gasps from the gang
"I thought he was making progress, he was so positive." Hermione said
"The better the mask, the more emotion he must be bottling up." Pans added
"Shit." Ron extended

They got up and went to DADA
"Great- we have Umbitch." Said Blaise
"Ugh" Hermione said
"Let's just get it over and done with."
They went into the classroom and took their seats- Harry was there (luckily).

{Hermione's POV}

We were in DADA and Umbitch started talking
(A/N btw I'm using my own words- don't sue me!)
"Okay students, here are your textbooks." She said pointing to the floating books, "and we will be reading this lesson, and all lessons to come."
I was shocked,
"So we aren't doing spells?"
"Why would you feel the need to do spells in MY class?" She said in her 'sweet' voice
"Maybe because we are going to get attacked." Harry added sternly
"STUDENTS WILL RAISE THEIR HANDS WHEN THEY TALK TO ME! And by whom do you expect to attack children like you?"
"Oh I don't know- maybe Lord Voldemort."
People gasped at the use of the name- I was scared for Harry,
"DETENTION MR. POTTER! Tonight with me after dinner." She sighed "you have been told a certain dark wizard is at large again, this information if false."

Harry scoffed, "so according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?"
That's not good- that's the only meal Harry 'eats'.
"Then you w-won't mind me doing this-" he said got up and left. He tried to hide his stutter- but I knew he was going to brake any second.

A minute or two later I asked if I could go toilet and she reluctantly agreed. I was trying to think where Harry would be, OH YES moaning Myrtles bathroom.

I ran there and hid behind the wall, I could hear whimpering and sobbing- wonder who that could be. I enter and see Harry with his sleeve rolled up and his head down in shame- then it hits me.


{Harry's POV}

I ran out of the classroom and went to moaning Myrtles bathroom.

Merlin she thinks that I murdered Cedric- how does one have the mind to think LIKE THAT. I am going to be the laughing stock of the school AGAIN and get hit punched hexed and bullied.

For fucks sake, it's always me.

I had to distract myself from my thoughts, so I got a razor,
"Accio razor"
I rolled up my sleeve and made a few cuts- I stared at it and bowed my head down in embarrassment.


"W-who's there?" I ask scared, while trying to hide my weapon
"It's Hermione- don't hide the razor I saw it." She said walking toward me
"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry-"
"Shh- it's ok Harry. I understand it's hard to stop."
I rested my head on her shoulder and let my tears slip,
"'Mione why am I so weak?" I ask sadly
"Oh Harry- you. Are. Not. Weak. You got that, you have just been strong for too long." She responded
She heals my scars before I bleed out and we head back to the common room, it was 10 mins before dinner ended.

"Harry?" She asked "mhm"
"Did you eat anything today?"
"N-no." I say bowing me head down
"Oh. Well we will try tomorrow. Okay?"
I nodded, "I have to go to Umbitch now."
"Okay, I and the rest of the gang will wait in the common room for you to come back."
"Thanks 'Mione, cya!" I say not letting my mask slip- not again.

I walk out of the room and reach her office-
I sigh
I knock
"Come in."

A/N sorry for the late update. Ahh been busy with teh school, but here is the update
People actually like this book? 💀✋

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