Chapter 5

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A/N thank you to the few people that read this, one of my passions was to be a writer, and this is one of my first steps so, I do hope you enjoy!

{Harry's POV}

I had entered the bathroom hyperventilating, I was so stressed, and one of the things that made me feel less stressed was cutting.

I had grabbed a blade from my bag (I took it with me) and started on my arm, I was in there so far for a good 15 minutes. I was midway through my 5th cut when I let out a whimper

"Harry? Are you alright?" A masculine voice came from outside

"Shit shit shit" I mumbled to myself. He had scared me and I cut too deep on my wrist, I couldn't stop myself from whimpering more.

"Harry?" Said the voice again

I started to feel extremely light headed and I felt like I was going to faint, and the last thing I heard.

Was a distant voice scream, "HARRY?!?"

{Draco's POV}


Shock had spread across through my body,
What the fuck just happened?
"Harry? I-I'm coming in!" I screamed quite loud
I had forced myself through the door, what I saw shocked me, I almost collapsed,
"What do I do? What do I do?" I mutter to myself

"Hey Harry, Malfoy what happened, I head a bang, is everything alright?" It must have been Granger, I need her help right now
"GRANGER GET WEASLY, BLAISE AND PANSY, NOW!" I screamed, by the sound of her footsteps she obeyed. Several minutes later she appeared with them. They busted through the door and rushed to me and Potter,
"Malfoy what is it n- OMG, WHAT HAPPENED?" Granger shouted obviously scared for her friend who was in my arms unconscious, "I-I he went to g-go to the bathroom, and it had been a while so I asked if he was alright..."
I was stuttering a lot
"I kept asking but I got no response. Then I-I heard a thud and came in to see him l-l-like this..." I said sobbing, I loved him, no one else knows except Pansy, it pained me to see him like this.
"H-how did it happen?" Weasly asked, scared for the answer.
"I-I actually don't know.." I said looking down at Harry.
"I think I know." Granger said "l-look at his a-arm"
We all looked at his arm
We all gasped
We all were shocked
"Oh my god..." I heard come from Blaise's mouth
"What should we do? Madame Pomfrey won't be awake at this time." I question
"Does anyone have any blood-replenishing potions?" Pansy asked
"Umm I think I do, Snape is my god father, I have loads of potions" I say going to grabbing the potion.

{Hermione's POV}

While Malfoy went to get the potion, I had shed a tear, "oh Harry, why did you do this, you could have told us..." I said between sobs
"'Mione, it's alright, I don't think he wanted to tell us, he always wants to help other people, I don't think he know how to get help himself." Ron said making me feel a bit better.
"Yes, you are right Ron."

Malfoy had come back and I checked Harry's pulse, it was steady, that was a good sign.
"Ok I'm going to give him the potion and then rap his arms in bandages, if he doesn't wake tomorrow, I will take him to Poppy." Malfoy said sternly, he cares for Harry, I knew he never hated him, but I didn't meddle in their business.
"Hey Dr-Mafloy, can I stay, I mean until you go sleep, I need to talk to you?" I asked hopeful
"Umm sure Granger. Everyone else out!"
They all left except me
"Umm, I know you never really wanted to hate Harry." I said suddenly
"Huh? How did you know?" He gave in and admitted
"Well because I see how you to are around each other, and every time you have a fight or argue, he- he breaks down, he never wants to hurt you, and if he did, he would not sleep for weeks, Ron told me."
He was frozen, he didn't know how to react.
"I will leave you to your thoughts, just make sure he is ok, i love him, a lot (as a friend)" we don't ship harmione here that is gross 
"O-ok well thank you for informing me, Granger" he said obviously shocked
"Okay I will be at your door at 8 to see Harry, be ready ok? Goodnight Draco"
"Thanks and good night Hermione"
I smiled and went back to my room, Parkinson was asleep and so was I a little while after.

{Draco's POV

When Hermione left I picked Harry up and placed him on his bed, I knew he was hurting, not this much, oh god how I love him. He will be mine one day, soon enough. I smirked to myself and drifted off too a somewhat peaceful sleep.

(836 words)

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