Chapter 69 (Mature but not in the normal way...)

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Yikes more than two months...

My bad.

(Also 189k? Thats crazy!)

You can thank my friend for bothering me about it.

*giggles* chapter... *giggles again* 69....bahahahahahahahahaha

And, for all my Marvel fans, Black Widow's been delayed...again


Also slightly longer, have fun :)

3rd Person POV

"Keefe, I think your doing it wrong," Sophie said to her boyfriend from the doorway. Keefe huffed out a angered breath, tossing the wrench into Grady's tool box which stood a few feet away from him. He was pouting as he stared at the slightly wonky baby crib. Grady had cut the pieces out from one of the branches on Calla's tree. Sophie knew Calla would have wanted it, but it did hurt seeing her father trim on of her branches. It would grow back, she kept telling herself.

Guilt still flooded her gut.

"I think Grady cut them wrong," Keefe mumbled. Sophie softly smiled, walking towards him. Her stomach had grown lots in the last few months. About four inches out now. SHe could feel it weighing on her, though. Her back was strained and she always had cramps now. Headaches were also felt periodically throughout the day. Reaching up to his tense shoulders as he glared at the tool box, she gently massaged the tendons. 

"You may not want to tell him that," Sophie said to him with the smallest smile. She had noticed she hadn't been smiling as much anymore, but Keefe kept her going. He would read stories to the unborn baby at night, softly mumbled to it as they fell asleep in bed. It was adorable, Sophie would admit. Keefe let out a groan, letting his head fall back against her forehead softly. He let out a sigh. 

"Do you really think I'm ready to be a dad, Sophie?" Keefe asked, giving her puppy eyes from over his shoulder. Sophie narrowed her eyes on him, creating a crinkle he always teased her about. 

"Keefe, we've gone over this-"

"But I can't even build a simple crib!" he complained to her, crossing his arms. "How am I supposed to take care of a little child?"

"Just be you," she told him. "You've been doing such a great job these past few months, especially with the child's unexpected (not really) arrival."

He was silent for a bit before standing back up straight, taking himself away from her. Sophie watched as he reached for the tool box again, flipping the hammer in mid air and catching it back by the handle. Turning around, his signature smirk came to his lips.

Sophie didn't like it. 

"Keefe, is there something else you want to tell me?" she asked him, crossing her arms this time. 

Keefe kept his smirk. 

"Nope, now come help me read these blueprints-"

"Keefe," Sophie warned. 

"I'm fine, Soph, let it go," he told her, perking up as he raised his eyebrows. Sophie bit her lip, but nodded. He clearly didn't want to talk about it.

So, she let it go. 

She helped Keefe with the blueprints and they ended being able to get the cradle to look nice and be sturdy. Sophie put the last decorations on it, a few winding flower vines across the railing and Keefe painted the same design he had on the wall on either side of the rocking cradle.

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