Chapter 57

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3rd Person POV

The next few weeks were long and tiring. Sophie was hungry, tired and cramping almost 24/7. She had distanced herself from Keefe, feeling like things would get awkward if he were around. She could tell he was beginning to become suspicious with her behavior and distance from him. She hated keeping secrets from him, and she was well aware she was a terrible liar. Edaline continued telling Sophie she would have to tell him some time. But she couldn't do it yet. She wasn't ready for his reaction.

But when Keefe showed up one day with a sad expression on his face. She bit her lip, trying to cover her now growing belly. But he didn't seem to notice.

"Are we okay?" He asked her. She bit her lip, not knowing what to tell him. It was already awkward between the two.

"Yeah, we're fine," she told him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? Because I feel like you've been avoiding me," he told her. She bit her lip, feeling he was exaggerating a bit. She was avoiding him, but not avoiding him, you know? She wanted to tell him and for him to twirl her around and thank her for this opportunity for him to become a father. She wanted him to cuddle her in bed, rubbing her belly and whispering things to the baby.

But what if he didn't want the baby?

"Is it me?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in sadness. He began advancing on her. She bit her lip, backing up into her bedroom wall as he towered over her. She found it strange how he could look so adorable and make her feel so guilty while being so intimidating. 

"Keefe-" she started, but he shook his head. He pulled his shirt over his head, his hair ruffling. Sophie's eyes widened as he grabbed her hand and put it to his chest to where she could feel his heart beating. He leaned forward, and locked lips with her. Her eyes widened as he moved his lips along her, and tried to get some sort reaction out of her. But she wasn't feeling it and her hands dropped from his chest. 

"It is me, isn't it?" He asked her, pulling away. She bit her lip, and decided not to say anything. She knew if she said anything, he could sniff out her lies. 

"Keefe, wait-" she started when he pulled away. He ran a shaking hand through his hair and his broken ice blue eyes shot over to hers. He seemed to have tears building in them, making them look like crystals. 

"Sophie I love you so much, and I don't want you to be upset with me, please tell me what I'm doing wrong, please, love, tell me what I'm doing wrong," he told her, walking closer to her, He grabbed her hands twining their fingers in front of her face. "What am I doing so you avoid me? Why aren't you saying anything, please stop me," Keefe whispered to her. Sophie bit her lip, feeling her water works coming to her eyes as she reached up to his cheek. His eyebrows were furrowed as he leaned down toward her. She pulled him to her chest as he collapsed to his knees. 

"Keefe, I... I don't know how to tell you," Sophie whispered to him, turning her head to the window. She ran her fingers through his hair, holding his head to her stomach. She could almost imagine it. He would place kissed over her blank belly, whispering cute things to it as if the baby could hear it. 

"What is it?" He asked her. She looked down at him, locking eyes with him and hoping he could see what she was trying to get at. The words were sour on her tongue and every time she tried to say them, she felt like she need to throw up. He stood up and looked down at her. 

"Sophie, please tell me, what am I doing wrong?" He asked her. She felt tears coming to her eyes as she reached to his face and traced his jaw. 

"Keefe- It will hurt you," she whispered to him, sniffling. Hurt flashed in his eyes as he stared down at her. He seemed speechless at her sentence. 

"You want-" he started. Tears filled his eyes as he ripped his hand away from hers. She got down on all fours, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks as she sobbed. 

"Keefe, please don't-" she cried. But he turned to her, tears falling down his cheeks. His eyes were red from crying and he rushed to grab his things. He grabbed her door knob and Sophie couldn't stop crying. She grabbed his leg. 

"You brought this on yourself, I don't want it, but you do, so I guess this is where it leaves us," he told her. "If this makes you happy, then so be it."

She pleaded for him to stay, but her cries were making her words muffled. She couldn't breath, her throat was clogged. Her mind was foggy as she tried to stop crying.

"Goodbye, Sophie."

She cried, trying to grip his leg, but he opened the door, rushing down the stairs. 

Sophie collapsed onto her wood floor, tears making a small pool around her head. Her parents must have been spying because they ran up the stairs only a few seconds after the event. Grady lifted the sobbing girl onto the bed and laid her head on a pillow. Edaline hugged her. 

"We broke up,  we broke up," Sophie cried. 

OOOOOOH cliffhanger!

Sorry shorter chapters, I'm kinda busy this week a bit of next week. But I'll try to update as much as I can.

Ah, and I'm very sorry about that chapter, but stay tuned to see what happens next!

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