Chapter 40

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Wowo 40 chapters!

Keefe's POV

I woke up with someone on my chest. My eyes opened and were met with her watery brown ones. I quickly sat up, realizing she was crying. 

"Foster, I thought I told you to not worry about the Matchmaking problem," I told her, pulling her into a sitting hug. Her legs wrapped around my torso as she seemed to grasp onto me for dear life. Her fragile tears slipped from her eyes as she pulled at my lock to bring my head closer to her shoulder. 

"But Keefe-" she started bu I pulled away and placed a kiss on her lips. Her eyes fluttered a bit, an eyelash falling onto her cheek. I smiled, using my finger to scoop the small hair off her cheek. Her eyes seemed to go cross eyed as she stared at my fingertip. 

"Make a wish," I whispered to her. Her brown eyes flickered up at me before looking back down at the eyelash and softly blowing on it. 

It seemed like a great moment. 

Until the eyelash flew into my eye.

And I started complaining and pretty much dropped Sophie out of my arms. 

Sophie was laughing hysterically the whole time. 

"Idiot," she said, punching my arm as we walked down the hall of Havenfield. 

"Hey that hurt!" I complained, rubbing the side of my arm. 

Grady and Edaline were sitting at the table when we walked in. Both their eyes looked up at us and Edaline gave Sophie a saddened smile. She walked over to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her, the silence seeming to comfort the blonde elf. 

After a few moments, Edaline pulled her head off the top of the girls head and whispered a few words into her ear. Sophie's eyes welled up again as she nodded and threw her arms around her mom once more. I looked over to Grady and made a few obnoxiously loud cries. Then, I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around the annoyed dad. 

"It's so heartbreaking but so heart lifting!" I cried to him, blowing my nose in his tunic. He shoved me away and let a small chuckle, wiping his shirt with the newspaper he had been reading seconds before. 

Did Grady Ruewen just laugh at one of my jokes?

I must be dreaming.

"Hey Sophie! Your friends are going to the light show tonight, you wanna go with them?" Edaline asked a few minutes later. Me and Sophie were shoving as much mallowmelt as we could fit in our mouths. Grady was rolling his eyes every time Sophie had to wipe my face with a napkin. 

"Sure," she said, crumbs spewing in all directions. Edaline gave us both an eye roll before shoving us up the stairs. 

"It's in a few hours, I already called Biana over to pick out a dress," she said, slamming the door behind her. I looked over to Sophie and she already had slumped shoulders. 

"I don't wanna wear an uncomfortable dress for three hours," she groaned to me. I smiled and strode over to her, grabbing her hand and placing it on my cheek. 

"You'll be fine, you can use me as a pillow," I told her before the door opened once again. Biana walked in, her arms full of frilly dresses. She gasped when she saw me and shook her head in disapprovement. 

"Out!" She shouted, shoving me out the door. I grumbled when she locked the door from the inside. 

How does Dex deal with this stuff?

What seemed like hours later, the sun was already starting to go down. I walked down the stairs, beginning to get bored of trying to look through the door keyhole and pick out every miss colored string in the long carpeted hallway. Edaline told me Biana wouldn't survive in there if Sophie had to try on more than a hundred dresses. 

"Yeah, I guess you got a point-" I started but I heard Sophie's door click open. Biana walked down the stairs in the frilliest gown you could get. Teal frills came off the side and is that a hoop skirt?


I haven't seen Foster in a dress like that ever. 

It look really good on her to say the least. 

I'm glad she hadn't taken any of Biana billions of dresses. The dress she was wearing was a flowing silk dress. The fabric was red and a bit pink up by her neck. The sleeves opened up wider at the wrists so they hung down a bit but the bottom softly flowed in the faint breeze.

Where was that coming from?

"Wow," is all I could manage. Grady and Edaline had also stopped everything they were doing to look at their daughter. "You look beautiful," I told her, my Adam's Apple bombing more than usual at my loss of words. "Not that you don't normally look beautiful. You just look really great in that and now I'm blabberi-" But she reached up and twirled one of my blonde locks in her finger. 

"Keefe, you spiraling," she told me. I nodded, a faint blush coming to my cheeks. 

"She insisted on wearing this one and I couldn't agree more, though I think she would have looked good in one of these," Biana said, twirling and almost knocking the plate of mallowmelt off the table. 

"Beautiful," I whispered in her ear after she said goodbye to her parents. "Absolutely stunning."

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