Chapter 48

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This one's a little short, just to warn you


3rd Person's POV

"And that is how human's propose," Sophie said, reaching over to take her promise ring back from her boyfriends hand. Keefe smiled, reaching to his own necklace to take off his promise ring. He got back to his feet, taking a step closer to Sophie and getting back down on one knee, holding the ring up to her for the second time. 

"Sophie Foster of Havenfield, my feisty, fearless, blonde loving love, will you marry me?" Keefe asked, his lips turning pouty so she wouldn't be able to refuse. Sophie rolled her eyes, shoving his face away by his nose and he stumbled to his bottom, his bottom lip coming out even more as he pouted from the rejection. Of course he had been kidding, but what if he hadn't been?

"What is going on here?" Fitz asked, letting go of Linh's hand in nervousness when he saw Sophie looked at them. He knew he had to make her jealous, but it was easier said than done. Sophie rolled her eyes, taking Keefe's hand to help him up. 

"I was showing Keefe how human's propose, but, as always, he got a little bit to into it," Sophie told him. Fitz let out a sigh of relief and was thankful Linh didn't notice. She had a happy smile on her face as she squealed, running over to Sophie. The girl threw her arms around Sophie's shoulders, wrapping her in a tight hug.

Sophie let out a distressed, "humph," she Linh put all her body weight on her. 

"Fitz is my boyfriend!" Linh squealed to the group.

Everyone's blood ran cold as they moved their gazes to Fitz. 

He smirking at the group, his arms crossed when he saw Sophie glaring at him. But the blonde elf turned back to Linh, holding her by the shoulders to look into her eyes.

"Linh I don't think you understand what Fitz did to me-"she started, but Linh's happy face had quickly faded as she pushed away the brown eyed elf. She ran into Fitz's chest, shaking her head. 

"You're wrong, you're jealous you don't have Fitz," Linh told her. Fitz grinned when he saw Sophie look over to Keefe and then back at them. 

"Linh, you can't-" she started, but Linh shook her head, locking lips with her boyfriend. Fitz quickly responding, liking the way Sophie was already taking affect on them.

"Sophie, it's no use," Keefe said from behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Sophie bit her lip, watching as Linh fell into Mr. Vackers trap. She nodded, turning back to her boyfriend and leading him away from the doomed couple.

The group decided it would be fun to go for a swim in the Vacker's pool. Sophie immediately agreed, changing quickly and let Keefe carry her out. Linh pouted to Fitz when she saw the other couples carry each other into the pool. Tam and Marella were doing the same, Tam on Marella's back as she ran for the pool with a battle cry. Fitz bit his lip, nodding and picking Linh into his arms, walking toward the pool. Biana and Dex were splashing each other and Keefe had just dropped Sophie into the water.

"Keefe!" She screeched before her body touched the water. Fitz looked down the Linh before doing the same, dropping the straight into the water. She let out a screech that wasn't as annoyed as Sophie's was. it sounded more angry than anything. 

"Fitz! What the hell was that?" She hissed at her boyfriend, shivering as she hopped out of the pool. She quickly retreated to a bench where she said down to attempt to tan her pale body. Fitz bit his lip, not sure why Sophie's cute annoyed tone hadn't come out of Linh.

"Get in, Keefe!" Sophie screeched to her boyfriend, pulling him by the arm into the pool. He did a belly flop and Sophie gasped, a laugh following. Keefe came up from the water, taking a gasp of water as he glared at his giggling girlfriend.

"Now we're even," she whispered to him before splashing him. He groaned, running a hand through The Hair to make it stick up in all ways. he chased after Sophie to get her back and Fitz bit her his lip, wanting to try and get Linh in the water. He new she got a little overwhelmed when it got to water because of her ability, but he still thought it might be fun. 

He swam over to the ledge that was closest to her tanning bench and cupped a bit fo water, throwing it onto the girl. 

Turns out, Linh had not wanted to be interrupted.

"Oh shit," Tam muttered as Linh rose from the bench. Fitz smiled, excited he had finally gotten the girl up from her bench. But Linh outstretched her hands, lifting Fitz from the water and setting him on the ground. Her eyes were flamed with anger as she reached out to the water, removing a large globe of liquid. Fitz somehow knew that water was supposed to end up on his head. 

So, he ran. 

Linh furiously chased after him, the globe floating above her head. She was ready to throw it at any time. 

But Fitz finally came up with a better idea. He used his telekinesis to begin squeezing the globe of water and soon, it popped. 

Right on top of Linh's head. 

"Oh shit," Tam muttered again. 

"FITZROY AVERY VACKER!" The girl screamed, running after her boyfriend as he retreated into the house.

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