Chapter 67

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I saw lots of your comments...

Y'all are a bit dirty aren't you? ;)

But I may not be able to come up with a tone of ~ideas~ as you may say, so if you want to comment some of your ideas go for it.

Another longer chapter


3rd Person POV

Weeks past and Sophie's stomach continued to grow. It was double the size of what it had been a few weeks ago. Sophie felt as though she was carrying around a body all the time and she had to kept being reminded that she was carrying around another body. 

The blonde elf laid in bed, facing the ceiling. Grady and Edaline had volunteered to trade their room, which had a bit larger bed, but Sophie had declined the offer, not wanting to leave the comfort of her own area. Her blank hands softly stroked her belly as she stared at the ceiling. Keefe laid beside her, on his side as he faced away from her. She could hear his breath sighing with each slight snore. But her eyes were trained out the window in front of her, the moon staring straight back at her. It was shining over the large open fields running across the Havenfield property. 

"Can't sleep?" Keefe asked her. She didn't feel him move, so she assumed he was still staring away from her. But the blankets soon shifted and she felt his hand on her own. His thumb softly stroked her skin and she hissed at how cold his fingers were. 

But she nodded to his earlier question. 

"Is it the baby?" he asked her. She stared out the window but she shook her head, staying silent. She could tell he was thinking, throwing different thoughts her way. 

"Is it the moon?" he asked her, noticing her eye direction. She shrugged. 

"Just racing thoughts," she told him. She shifted in the bed, huffing in pain at the feeling or the baby seeming to shift inside of her. Keefe continued to whisper soothing things into her ear, softly nipping at the ear lobe as Sophie hummed a soft lullaby, her hand overlapping his.

"Keefe?" she asked him after a few more quiet minutes. He hummed a response, his head lying on hers. "Do you think the baby will be like me? With more than one ability?" she asked him. His thumb continued to rub circles all over her stomach.

"They might, why do you ask?" he asked her, continuing to softly hum against her skin. He still had his clothes on, but the navy blue button-up shirt was ruffled and the buttons were undone. She could feel his pants against her nacked legs as he softly rubbed them against her. 

"I just don't want her to feel how I feel," Sophie said, her face softly relaxing as he snaked an arm under her side to come around her front. Then, he tugged her tighter to his chest, his lips placing small kisses against her neck as he thought of what to say.

"What do you feel?" Keefe asked her. Sophie rolled her eyes, knowing he was tired at the drowsiness in his voice. She slowly turned in his arms, now facing his face. As she thought, his eyes were only halfway open and were covered with sleep dust.

"I feel... different and I don't want her to be pointed out as different," Sophie said to him, reaching up to his eyes to run her fingers over the corners of his eyes to get rid of the crust.

"Sophie... we've already had this conversation but I will repeat it if needed-" he begun but she quickly covered his mouth with her hand, shaking her head.

"No, this isn't about me, this is about the baby," she told him, her eyes looking down at her belly. "What if... what if she blames me for making her different?" Sophie asked, staring up at him with watery eyes. He stared down at her, now waking up a bit at her tear filled eyes. 

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