Chapter 54

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Thank you for all the name suggestions! I really liked a lot of them and a lot of them were very creative! I used a few people's idea's and I also asked them if it was okay if I did. The name will not be revealed this chapter, but stay turned!

P.S. Thank you so much for 70K!

3rd Person POV

Sophie woke up with a loud groan, but felt someone brush the sweaty hair out of her face. She slowly opened her eyes to see a blob of blonde hair and a pearly white smile. 

"Sunshine, why didn't you call me? I told you to call me if anything was wrong," Keefe whispered to her. She sat up in her bed, groaning again and her aching back. Her chest was also hurting and her stomach still cramped. She looked over to her boyfriend and crossed her arms at her gurgling stomach. 

"Somehow this is your fault," she told him.

But she realized he wasn't in the mood for jokes. He had a stern look on his face, his eyes staring deeply into her eyes. Maybe even going all the way down to her soul. 

"Sophie, I'm serious, why didn't you call me?" Keefe asked her, crossing his arms. She bit her lip, peering over to her window where she remembered Fitz had chucked her imparter when he had hurt her. 

"I don't have an imparter anymore," she whispered to him, spreading out across her bed to try and lessen the cramps. It worked when she was on her period, so hopefully it would work now. Keefe stared down at her with a sigh.he reached for her forehead, trying to take her temperature. But there wasn't any fever, she wasn't even warm anymore. 

"Sophie, you don't feel warm, but your stomach is all messed up and you've been sleeping for the past six hours, I think we should take you to Elwin," Keefe told her. She bit her lip as she closed her eyes, trying to concentrate and scare the cramps away. It was the worse part of this all. She couldn't concentration anything with the pounding pain in her gut. 

"Fine, just to get him to stop the cramps," she told him. "And I want ice cream," she said before he could leap her to Foxfire. Keefe softly smiled, picking his girlfriend up and into his arms. 

"At least you have your priorities straight."

When Sophie was done gulping down the ice cream from the kitchen, Keefe lept her to Foxfire where Elwin was waiting with Edaline and Grady. Elwin smiled at Sophie, straightening his glasses a bit before waving the small group into his office. Sophie lied down on the bed, and immediately winced as her internal organs twisted and stretched. 

"Alright, let's see, your cramping, correct Sophie?" Elwin asked, snapping his fingers, a blue orb appearing above her. She winced again, and Keefe stepped forward to comfort her, but Grady quickly blocked his path, shaking his head. The three other people stared down at Sophie as Elwin checked her vitals.

"Nothing seems to wrong with your cells or anything else really," Elwin told her. But he softly smiled, pushing his chair away from the cot so Sophie could see him without raising her head from the comfortable pillow. He turned his gaze to Keefe, who was standing, biting his nails as he listened for Elwin to spit out the news. 

"Keefe, why don't you leave the room," Elwin told him. The blonde elf's eyes shot over to Elwin in confusion. "This is for girls only, so Grady, you should probably leave, also," Elwin told him. Grady looked like he was about to argue, and so did Keefe, but Edaline flicked her fingers to the door. 

Both boys closed their mouths and made their way out the door. Elwin stood up from his seat, walking over to the door and locking it behind them. He then walked over to his desk, pulling out a jar from one of the shelves and taking out a long strip. Sophie looked at him in confusion as Elwin handed her the paper strip. 

(AN: Now I really don't know how pregnancy tests work, but this is my understanding, and if it's wrong to the human way, than I guess this is the elf way)

"Go in the bathroom and pee on this," Elwin told her. Sophie's eyes widened as she looked down at the strip. 

"Excuse me?"

Elwin smiled a bit, reaching to her hand and placing the strip in her palm, curling her fingers around it.  

"Just... go do it, okay?" Elwin told her. She nodded, getting up from the bed and walking over to the door to the bathroom.

She did was Elwin asked, and couldn't help but feel a bit awkward walking out of the bathroom with a piece of paper soak with a piece of her urine. 

Now that she thought about it, that was very disgusting and very awkward. 

She handed Elwin the strip and smiled, handing it to Edaline who had tears welling in her eyes when she looked at it. Sophie couldn't help but notice how the part of the paper she had peed on had turned a dark pink color. 

Edaline ran over to Sophie, lifting the girl off her feet and spinning her around. 

"I'm going to be a grandma!" She told Sophie, her voice quiet enough for the boys to not hear but loud enough that Sophie could. 

"What?" Sophie asked in confusion. Edaline held the strip up in front of Sophie's face, grinning as happy tears fell down her cheeks. 

"Your pregnant!"

Sorry it was shorter, but I hope you like it!


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