Chapter 64 (Slight Maturity)

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(I think I wrote my longest chapter ever in that one)

P.S. to all the other shipping fans, I will attempt to weave in other ships into this book. Give me chapter ideas for them and it will make it easier for me to get out the different plot quicker!

*** = Slight Maturity (On a 1 out of 10 range this chapter is a 2-3)

3rd Person POV

"What do you think about going baby supply shopping?" Edaline asked as she began baking some treats for the craving pregnant girl. Sophie was sitting down at the kitchen table, Keefe beside her with his arm wrapped around her waist as his hand softly caressed her stomach. He had been very comforting since the night she had told him about her insecurities about her looks now. But she was reminded everyday by the mirror next to her bed that she was only going to get worse.

But Keefe kept reassuring her she was beautiful everyday and that it didn't matter what she looked like to him. It was about her inside; the baby and her love and affection towards him and herself.

"Mom, we haven't even gotten a for sure gender from Elwin yet," she told her mom. Edaline gave a small smile to her daughter over her shoulder before going back to mixing the mallowmelt batter. Edaline was going to get her money's worth when it came to making the sweet. 

"Oh, you can keep telling yourself that, but I know its a girl inside that stomach of yours," Edaline said to her. Grady walked through the door, covered in a sort of liquid. He didn't look happy about it either.

Edaline gave him a sympathetic look, but didn't make any move to get closer to his slime covered body. 

"Trouble with our new resident, hon?" Edaline asked, using her hands to throw the dough onto the counter top. Grady mumbled a few curse words to himself before storming towards the nearby bathroom, the shower turning on a few moments after the door was slammed shut. 

Sophie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked back towards her mom.

"New resident?" Sophie asked her. Edaline nodded, placing a few more ingredients in the mixing bowel and laid the dough over it. 

"Yes, we acquired a griffin last month and he's been quite stubborn," Edaline told her. Sophie furrowed her eyebrows further. Suddenly, Keefe reached up to her face, softly smooth the wrinkle between her eyebrows. 

"As much as I love that cute wrinkle between your eyebrows, I can't have you stressed," he told her. "I can't stand it," he clarified with a slight smile. She had noticed how weary he had looked the last few days, and she had a feeling her sleep schedule had something to do with it. Sophie was able to have the excuse of being pregnant for her large eye bags, but Keefe, he really didn't beside being her boyfriend. He wasn't even her fiance, much less her husband. He should be taking long naps during the day and sleeping in until noon as twenty year old's did.

"Keefe, maybe you should go rest," Sophie told him, reaching up to his face and placing a thumb on his puffy bags. But he quickly pushed her hand away, shaking his head with a sincere smile. 

"Sophie, if I want be part of your success, I need to be part of your struggle, letting you stay up all night by yourself wouldn't make it fair and I hate seeing you struggle on your own," Keefe told her. But Sophie couldn't wrap her around the fact how he hadn't proposed yet and he was already acting like a husband. 

"You, boy, come help me with Paxton, he doesn't seem to like me much but neither did the alicorn at first and she seems to like you," Grady said, coming out of the bathroom with his hair wet and a towel to his face as he tried to get the leftover residue off his skin. 

"Dad-" Sophie began, standing up from her chair. But Keefe quickly stood up, grabbing her legs and pulling her into his arms. She giggled slightly as he placed kisses all around her face, walking up the stairs towards her bedroom.

"What did I say about worrying?" Keefe asked her. She rolled her eyes as he set her down on her bed.

"You told me to not stress, worrying is a different matter, especially with Grady," Sophie responded.

"I HEARD THAT!" Grady called from the kitchen. Keefe softly smirked as he stared out her door, but turned back to her. 

"Don't worry about him, me and him... we got a sort of bet going. He couldn't bare to kill me and lose," Keefe told her. 

Or would he? Keefe asked himself, but quickly waved the thought away.

Sophie raised an eyebrow. 

"What sort of bet?" She asked him. Keefe rolled his eyes, dipping down and placing a kiss on her nose. 

"You already went back to worrying," Keefe said. She reached up to her eyelashes, picking one out and flinging it off the bed side. 


"Habit," she said with a slight smile. Keefe grabbed her hand as it went back to her face, bringing it to his lips. Instead of placing a quick kiss again it, he kept his eyes locked on hers as he ran his tongue across her knuckles, saliva dripping furiously from out of his mouth. She huffed out a breath at the sight and his lips touched the slight puddle he had made on the back of her hand. When he placed her hand at her side, his lips glistening, a shit eating grin came to his lips. 

"And how do we get rid of habits?" He asked, his hands tracing up her thigh. Sophie's breath hitched as he waved his hand just above the middle of her thighs, sending the smallest breeze ripples down to her sensitive area. 

"Discipline," she rasped, her throat dry. Keefe smiled and nodded, staring at his hovering a hand for a moment bore quickly retracting it back to his side, getting up from the side of the bed.

"But we don't want to go there, do we?" Keefe asked once more. 

"No." Yes.


"Good answer," Keefe said to her, placing once last kiss on her forehead. Then, he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 

He was down the stairs, a smirk still on his face as he entered the kitchen where Grady was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Is she still breathing up there?" Grady asked him, his arms crossed and his eyes stern. Keefe skipped past him and out the door. 

"I love how much faith you have in me Grady! Imagine! Maybe one day you'll technically be related to me!" Keefe shouted over his shoulder. Cruse words were heard as Grady said goodbye to his wife and closed the door behind him.



Also, I would appreciated it if you a Harry Potter fan to go check out the HARRY POTTER ONE-SHOTS fan-fiction I just posted :)

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