Chapter 6

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Keefe's POV

I woke up in the healing, my head hurting. I also felt something laying beside me. I slowly turned my body and was face to face with the one and only Sophie Foster. She was sleeping and her hands were touching my bare chest. I smirked and leaned in. My lips touched hers and Sophie's eyes shot open. I slipped my hands under with her shirt and rubbed circles in the back. She kissed back a little bit but not as much as I wanted.

"More," I murmured. Sophie sighed through her nose and kissed back more. I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She whined and started pulling away. I knew she was a little mad from yesterday so I let her. She opened her eyes and stared at my face. She lifted her hand up to my cheek. I screeched in pain and she quickly pulled her hand back. Elwin ran into the room and I quickly grabbed Sophie. I brought my lips to her neck and kissed it. She whined and tried pushing my head away. Elwin sighed and walked out of the room. Sophie finally pulled away and stared at my cheek. I sighed and got up from the bed. She followed. I looked in the mirror to see a horror scene. My cheek was purple and blue. Fitz punch has left a huge bruise. The Hair was a mess also. Sophie walked up beside me and ruffled my hair. I smiled and twined my fingers with hers. Then, Sophie's eyes lit up.

"Come here," she said, pulling me over to the bathroom. We walked in and Sophie pulled out tones of makeup. She promised she would go easy on the bruise.

A few minutes later, if you looked at me, you never would have known there was a bruise. I leaned down to Sophie's eye level and softly kissed her on the lips. She blushed and then smiled. We walked out of the bathroom and I laid on my coat. Sophie laid on the coat next to it. I frowned and patted a section of my coat. She smiled and crawled over to my coat. I wrapped my hands around her waist. I could feel her smile as I laid my head on her shoulder. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sophie's POV

I woke up to thrashing beside me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Keefe. He was having a fight with the bed sheets and was losing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. The thrashing calmed. Keefe leaned his head toward my and kissed my lips again. It was a slow but passionate kiss. Keefe opened his eyes as I pulled away.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He smirked.

"Now that you're here I am," he responded. I brought my arms down and rested them on his bare chest. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

I was woken my and sucking noise. Dear god. I opened my eyes and saw Keefe sucking on my neck. I sighed. He pulled away and gave me his famous smirk. He stared into my eyes and smashed his lips to mine. I knew he was having a hard night so I kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and was pretty much sucking on my lips. Then, there was a knock on the door and I launched away from Keefe. He frowned and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come in," I called. The door opened and Lord Cassius, Della, Alden, Fitz, and Biana walked in. Keefe pulled me closer when he saw the rage in Fitz's eyes. Biana ran over to Keefe and touched his cheek. His eyes weld with pain, but he kept it hidden. Fitz walked over to the coat. Keefe pulled me even closer, to where our chests touched. Fitz growled and walked away, only to have Biana grab his arm and pull him back. Fitz moaned.

"Fitz is sorry for his actions," Biana told them. I nodded but Keefe just gave a deadly glare to Fitz. Della and Alden rushes over to coat, pushing Fitz and Biana our of the way.

"I told you to give him a beating, not the other way around," Alden told Keefe. Keefe chuckled and turned to Sophie.

"Keefe..." I warned. He shrugged and pressed his lips to mine. Della and Alden laughed as they walked away. Keefe licked her lip. She shoved him away, playfully. "Not right now," she hissed. Keefe shrugged with a smirk. He then leaned into her cheek bone and kissed that instead. Sophie groaned and shoved him again. Lord Cassius walked over to his so and shoved him farther from Sophie.

"Son! Stop kissing her like she your toy!" Cassius yelled. Uh oh. Lord Cassius raised his hand and slapped Keefe in the face.

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