Omake: The Woes of Sweet Buns

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A/N: Ages of the sweet buns
Lucius: 7
Sirius: 6
Regulus: 5

Ps. I used Luna instead of Lucia cause why not?

Third POV:

Regulus pulled on his own pants deeming himself a "big boy" and he didn't need help from Kreacher anymore.

Kreacher watched his young master adoringly yet perplexed by just watching his young master hazardously pulled on his clothes.

The perfectionist in him screamed in agony at the display.

He decided to to speak up. "Young master Regulus—"

Regulus pulled his head through the head hole without bothering to unbutton the first button. As a result a button was lost in the tragedy.

Kreacher bit his lip, "if I don't help you, you'll be late for your 'meeting'" he told the little boy.

Regulus gasped in horror. "Oh no! Kreacher help me please!" He begged.

'I will have to thank Lady Cassiopeia for that trick' Kreacher thought. He snapped his fingers, easily dressing his young master back into his usual cleaned up attire.

/Meanwhile with Sirius and Lucius/

Sirius pulled his "briefcase" which was actually a shoebox he "borrowed" from his father's closet and set it on the desk.

Lucius who was the oldest was already sitting at the desk with refreshments and snacks ready to be consumed.

"Hello Sirius, where's Regulus? The meeting's going to start—"

"I'm here! I'm here!" Regulus screamed running into the room easily cutting off Lucius.

"Now that everyone's here, shall we start our meeting—" Lucius was once again cut off by one of the Black brothers.

Sirius huffed, "This is boring~ Can't we go to mummy now?" He complained loudly.

Regulus nodded (adorably) in agreement. "Yes! Reggie agrees with Siri!"

Lucius pouted, "We can't remember. Our fathers took them out for dinner. No fair!" He complained as well.

The three of them were now in a sulky mood sipping on their juice boxes in silence.

They also munched on chocolate chip cookies and waited impatiently for their (hopefully soon) returning parents.

"We should do something about our fathers." Sirius brought up the topic.

"They're always taking our mummy's attention from us. It's not fair!"

Lucius nodded mutely in agreement. "True true."

"Uh huh! I heard father and mummy wrestling, it looked like daddy was bullying mummy! Mummy was crying and making funny noises!" Regulus brought up worried for his mummy.

The other two boys gasped. "Do you think our fathers are bullying our mummy?!" They asked in horror.

"We have to protect our mummy! Let's beat up our fathers!" Sirius fired up.

"But we're so small, how can we?" Regulus responded pitiful.

Lucius finally took notice of the shoe box Sirius brought.

"What's that?" He asked already sidetracked.

And just like that, all talks of taking down their fathers was easily forgotten and dismissed.

Sirius smiled mischievously and pounded his chest proudly.

"I don't know but I saw father looking through it with uncle Abraxas. It has funny pictures of girls in it." Sirius told them, pulling out the magazine.

"Why aren't they dressed? They're so big already! Do they need help putting on their clothes? I'm five and I already know how to dress myself." Regulus boasted proudly.

"Yeah, why are they naked?" Lucius asked in concern and in confusion.

The three little boys huddled around the magazine in question and this is what their parents walked into.

"We're home— OH MY GSJJ M KM SKJDNND—?!!!" Cassie screamed as Luna snatched the p*rn magazine from the curious and confused little boys.

Orion and Abraxas saw the PlayWizard magazine and paled. They inched towards the door in hope of escaping.

The two women told their children not to touch such filthy things anymore and the children agreed obediently and went back to sipping their juice boxes.

"Orion..." Cassiopeia called out sweetly.

"Abraxas." Luna snarled (someone dared to dirty her baby's mind).

"Run." The sisters growled.

Orion and Abraxas waited for no one and quickly fled but unfortunately that wasn't enough with two mama bears on their tails.

Screaming and painful yelps could be heard throughout the manor.

Regulus sipped his juice and looked up when he heard his father scream. "Mummy is fighting back! Daddy can't bully mummy anymore." He noted proudly.

"That's our mummy!" Sirius cheered spewing cookie crumbs as he shouted excitedly.

Lucius just hummed quietly listen to his own father's painful yelps and nodded approvingly.

"Mummy can take care of herself."

Their mums didn't need their protection. And by the painful yelps echoing throughout the manor, they never will.

R.I.P Orion and Abraxas may they never indulge in manly urges ever again.

Cassiopeia hissed and pulled back her fist that just moments before punched her husband in the gut.

"Dammit Orion, your stupid rock hard abs broke my nail!" She complained loudly, ignoring the suffering man on the floor.

Luna rolled her eyes and stroked her knocked out husband's cheek.


A/N: This was requested a long time ago and I had totally forgotten about it until a reader commented on it and it came back into my attention.

I hope you guys enjoy it 😊

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