Chapter 10

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{A few months later}

Cassie POV:
I was sitting in my study working  when I suddenly felt an owl go through my wards, flying through my window and landing in front of me the owl waved its leg in front of me as if its signaling me to remove it's burden. Untying the letter I gave the owl a treat and conjured a bowl of water, the owl gave me a hoot hoot of appreciation.

Smiling I opened the letter, it was from the French Gringotts.

Dear Lady Coldwell,
There seems to a problem concerning with your accounts. It would be most beneficial if Miss Lucelia Coldwell came to help take of the problem too. Please send a reply at as soon as possible.
-Ironfist French Branch of Gringotts

After reading the letter and sending a reply. I called Lucia into my office, sitting in front of me, Lucelia with a concern face asked what's wrong. I told her that we had some business to attend to today. 

Getting dressed in our professional cloaks, we flooed into Rose Way a magical place in France. On the way to the bank we were stopped quite a few times by vendors, "Bonjour Monsieur comment allez-vous aujourd'hui"*, I heard Lucia greet a male with a friendly smile, I on the other hand was starting to get irritated, this was starting to remind me when I was the girl-who-lived. Noticing my irritation, I heard Lucia excuse herself as she grabbed me and quickly walked into the bank. 

After calming my nerves I walked to a teller and stated my business for being here today. After a few minutes he came back with my family head Goblin Ironfist, he told us to follow him, walking beside him we passed by their motto "Fortius Quo Fidelius", a Latin phrase that means "Strength through loyalty"©. After a few more minutes of walking we finally made it to a door that said 'The Coldwell Fortune' and above that was Accountant Ironfist.

Motioning us to sit down, he shuffled his papers before looking at us in the eyes, "So lets get back to business", he said looking at us with a monotonous voice. Clearing his throat, "It has come to our attention that there are time travelers, would you like to tell what is your business doing here", he "asked".

Lucelia and I shared a look and thought the same thing oh merde! éclaté!**

"Would you like the long version or the short one? ", I asked him. "The long one if you please", he responded. After four hours of talking, I finally finished my part of the story and how I met Fate. And then Lucelia explained how she got involved. Throughout the story Ironfist just nodded his once a while, though he did tense when I mentioned the horcruxes.

After Lucelia finished telling her side of the story, Ironfist stayed quiet for a minute before he informed us that they would need help to get rid of those horcruxes, because apparently they owed Death a favor. And by destroying the horcuxes then they would be able to fulfill their debt.

Although reluctantly we agreed to go to England to find the horcuxes but first we needed to find a horcrux to locate the others, and we knew exactly were one of them was, at Hogwarts. Yup that's right we're breaking into Hogwarts . .  .

According to Google Translate ©

*Hello Mister how are you today?
**Oh crap busted

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