Chapter 16

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A/N: Almost done guys!!! Two more chapters left.

Third POV:

It was almost time for the Mother's Day Ball. Excited Cassie and Lucia glamoured up into perfection, meaning that they actually tried dressing up appropriately for the occasion. Their husbands felt their jaws drop to the floor when they saw their wives.

Cassie was wearing her beautiful emerald and gold robes with her matching earrings and necklace that Orion bought her. She also wore her gold three inch heals making her slightly talker than her husband's shoulder. She had her hair up in an elegant bun and smelled like fresh lavender.

Lucia on the other hand wore her baby blue and silver dress robes and her matching earrings and necklaces. She wore silver heals that made her as tall as her husband's shoulders. She had her hair curled and pulled back from her face with a few curls framing her face.

Smiling the two girls took their husband's offered arm and apparated outside of the school gates where other glamed up parents stood waiting to be let in. However while they were waiting Lucia and Cassie shared a look when they felt an uneasy feeling deep inside their gut like something bad was going to happen. Brushing it off the couples headed inside the school.

However they later soon realized what a huge mistake that was.

[With the teens]

Sirius and James were putting up the final touches for their surprise, when the Great Hall doors opened and parents flooded in. Excited they all ran to their parents, Sirius and Regulus happily welcomed their mother, while Lucius introduced his girlfriend Narcissa to his mother who happily pulled them into a loving hug and told them that she wanted at least three grandchildren.

Suddenly fireworks bursted into the sky as mothers tearfully read the messages to them from their children via fireworks. Cassie and Lucia cried in delight pulling their children close, telling them how proud they were to have wonderful children while their fathers gave the proud looks.

Later during the party Lucia and Cassie we're chatting in a corner, while their husbands were a few feet from them and their children were talking a short while away from them.  Suddenly the girls stopped talking when they felt their blood run cold.

Bursting from the doors death eaters swarmed into the room attacking everyone, luckily no one was killed yet. When suddenly two AVARDA KEDARVA was heard, horror stricken the girls ran in their heels and pushed their children out of the was, but not before shooting their horror stricken husband's faces, a 'I love you'.

Everyone, including the death eater could only watch in shocked silence as the two identical emerald green lights hit the two brave women.

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