Chapter 14

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Sirius stood outside with his family dressed in his boring unclaimed Hogwarts robes. His mother watched him as his handsome face scrunched up in thought. Putting a hand on his cheek he looked up at his mother.

"Mom I going to be a disgrace to the family", Cassie looked confused and looked at her sister who caught on and pointed to her own sons green robes. 'Ah that's what he meant', she bent down to his height and told him, "It doesn't matter if you're not in Slytherin to tell you the truth I always thought you would make a good Gryfindor so don't sweat okay sweetie". Sirius gave his mom a big smile before running to hug his father who had his pureblood mask on like uncle Abraxas but he could tell that his father was proud of him. Giving Reggie a hug as his brother gave him a big tearful hug before he ran into the train with his new friend James, Lucius was already inside with his own friends.

Lucius was given a kiss by his mother and aunt and a hug by his father, uncle, and Reg. Before he left to find his friends, leaving Sirius to find himself some new friends.

Meanwhile Cassie clung onto Regulus as he was the only child she had left. Lucelia who already experienced the same feeling a year before just giggled before leaving with her husband. Meanwhile Orion was trying to calm down his own wife who was suffering from letting her baby free. Regulus enjoyed him mothers attention but at the moment mostly everyone ib the station was looking at his mom as she burst into crocodile tears. Sighing Orion pulled his wife into a hug as she calmed down, before portkeying the three of them back home. Once they arrived Regulus ran into his room probably to finish reading his book, while his parents sat in front of the fireplace cuddling. Then it hit her. She remembered that. . .


Sirius Black was slightly nervous sitting on the stool he silently prayed for Gryffindor. After a few seconds of arguing with the hat, the finally settled when the hat yelled, "Gryffindor!". Immediately the table cheered, sitting he waited for his friend James, luckily he was also sorted in the same house. Giving each other high fives they immediately chatted with the guys of the table when Dumbledore told them to quiet down.

"Welcome new students and returning students. I have a few announcements, we have a few new people in our staff today, our Ancient Runes professor has left us and is now working in America and Professor Binns has finally crossed over and is no longer with us. However, I would like to introduce you guys to Professor Malfoy." Both Lucius and Sirius whipped their heads to look at the smiling blonde at the head table.

"Also I would like to introduce you to our new History of Magic professor, Professor Black", Dumbledore continued and there she was in all her glory, she along with her sister shot the two with sly grins.

"Mum!/ Aunty!", they exclaimed surprised along with many others.


A/N:  Yeah no, I'm sooooo not going to write all seven years or else I will be here for years thinking about what to write. Anyways I would like to finish before break which will be in a few weeks so yeah, bye 😄

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