One-shot (Extra): If Regulus ended up with James

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A/N: Many seemed dissatisfied that Regulus ended up with Severus. So to soothe that, I created this one shot. Hope you like it!


James Potter was never this nervous nor confused, he was usually full of confidence and easygoing. However! There's one thing that made him beyond that.

Regulus Black.

Sirius's younger brother. James always thought he was madly in love with Lily yet every time the younger boy passed by, James always took notice.

Was he gay? Bi?

He had nothing against homosexuals with his two best friends being beautifully gay af, but it never dawned to him that he himself was even a little bit gay.

Did he like like Regulus? He, himself didn't know how to answer.

Sirius glanced at his brother in all but blood and followed his gaze. Reggie?

He quickly brushed it off, there's no way right? Right?!—

He did a double take when his little Reggie glanced at James before quickly looking away as James himself quickly looked away too when their eyes made contact.

—Oh Merlin! It's happening! 'My baby brotherrrr~' Sirius cried internally. Remus glanced up from his books and looked at James "in love" face and Sirius's pouting one, "idiots..." he mumbled, flipping to the next page of his novel.


Regulus had the urge to blush but quickly wiped the blush off his face, out of all the idiots he could've fallen in love with it had to be the biggest one next to his brother. James Potter, just why?

He was cute, Regulus had to give him that, and quite a genius when he actually tried —okay maybe, Regulus had a bigger crush on James than he realized.

Severus who sat next to him started choking on his tea, "Are you okay, Severus?!" He asked in concern, gently patting on the older teen's back.

"Yeah, I'm fine just in denial right now. Give me a moment." Severus drawled dryly, looking as if he sucked on a lemon.

What was up with that? Regulus internally asked himself.

When he was alone in his dorm room, he pulled out a parchment paper and started to write to the one person he knew could help him with his predicament, though knowing his mum, she was bound to tell his aunt Lucia. They were to peas in a pod so he did't mind.

Just to be on the safe side he addressed it to his mum only and wrote that his father wasn't allowed to read it along with uncle Abraxas.

He quickly signed his name off on the bottom and sealed it before giving it to his eagle-owl, Kuro, who impatiently snatched the letter with his beak without giving Regulus a chance to try the letter to his leg and flew off, eager to go to his mum.

Regulus swore then and there that his mum was an owl whisperer.


Cassiopeia held in a deep breath before giving out an ungodly like high pitched squeal, her sister Lucelia let a very similar one after reading the letter too.

Her baby was in love!

She smiled brightly before bawling her eyes out, "My babyyyy~" she cried.

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