Chapter 8

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A/N: Warning their love is going to be like a 2 to a full 10 :P

Cassie POV:
I gathered the now sleeping Regulus into my arms before walking over to the floo. Once arriving I was greeted by Joan, who took my stuff and popped away. I set Regulus on my bed before going to my bathroom and taking a long bath. Relaxing in the bathtub I thought about what I should do with Regulus for the time being, before I could think anymore I felt my mind drift away, before I fell into nothingness.

{The Next Morning}

Waking up I realized that I wasn't in the bathtub anymore, taking a moment to adjust my eyes I noticed that I was in my bedroom, feeling something shift next to me I realized it was just Regulus, getting up I took a quick shower and dressed in a pair of fashionable floral dress. Walking down the stairs I sat down and watched "I Love Lucy©", on the muggle television. After dying from laughter from the freezer episode I heard a pair of light foot steps walking down the stairs, looking up from the TV I saw that it was Reg, motioning him to sit at the dining table. "Good Morning!", he said with a smile, I smiled back and said, "Good Morning sweetie, what would you like for breakfast?", he thought for a moment before choosing waffles and hash browns. After finishing up our breakfast.

I turned off the TV and led Reg to my art studio, he looked around in wonder before asking what we were doing in here. "Well I thought we could make get well cards for your brother and father", at his confused face. I told him that it a muggle tradition, to give sick love ones cards with messages.

After showing him how to cut with safety scissors, he cut out little people and glued them to two cards, one for Sirius and one for his father. After two hours of decorating my own cards and guiding Regulus, it was time for us to pick them up from St.  Mungos.

Putting the cards into my bag, I flooed to St. Mungos with Reg, after a few minutes of waiting we were lead into the Blacks' room. Upon our arrival we were greeted by an awake Sirius and Orion. Regulus dashed off to his brother while I walked over to Orion's side, "Are you alright? ", I asked him fretfully, as I was busy being worried I didn't notice Orion was trying to calm me down, until he pulled me into his chest. He continued to hold me into his chest even though I calmed down.

Blushing I leaned into his touch, liking it. We were broken out of our moment when we heard a pair of giggles. Breaking out his hold I remembered about the get well cards. I handed Reggie his to give to his family. Pulling out my own cards I gave Sirius his first earning me a dopey smile and a hug. Then I gave the other one to Orion who gave me a genuine smile and a peck on the cheek blushing, just then a nurse walked in and informed us that we were free to leave.

Just as I was about to say goodbye to go back to my own home. Sirius clung onto me and wouldn't let go, lifting him into my arms. I brushed my fingers through his hair and promised that I would visit.

Kissing the children goodbye, I was about to leave when I felt something tug me back falling back I landed in a firm chest which could only belong to one person. Turning my face to look at him, I saw that he was looking at me intently, and before I knew it my lips we're captured by his.

After a few seconds of registering on what is happening I closed my eyes and kissed back, after what seemed like eternity we pulled back for air. I opened my eyes I saw the flushed face of Orion, while we were lost in our own world his sons on the other hand was cheering. I winked at them before giving Orion one more peck before leaving for real this time.

Cassiopeia "Harriet" Potter(The Adventures of time travel)Where stories live. Discover now