Chapter 5

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A/N: Updated in 10/27/18. Corrected a few things.

Third POV
As the girls were talking about their encounters, little did they know the people of their encounters were also talking about the two strange and beautiful girls they had encountered a few minutes ago. While they were talking the children were also had their own little meeting, "so do you guys understand the plan", Lucius asked. Sirius and Regulus nodded in understanding. "Okay, so operation Mummy is in plan".

Cassiopeia POV
As we finished eating our lunch, Lucia suggested that we go walk around before heading home. As we were enjoying our time we suddenly heard screaming, we quickly shared a look and ran to the source of the scream, it was Orion and his sons with a little lucius and Abraxas they totally out numbered three to one and with children there they had to be extra careful.

We looked at each other and nodded we fought sync taking out as much death eaters as we could besides the Lords. Soon one by one each death eater was taken out by the one of us, unfortunately one of them escaped and as he was escaping he shot a crucio at Lucius, almost instinctively Lucelia managed to push him away, but she unfortunately got hit and screamed in pain and when the effects settled she passed out in Abraxas' arms.

The children looked at her horrified and clutched onto their fathers. Regulus ran into my arms while Sirius ran into his father's and little Lucius clutched onto Lucelia' s hand. "I-I should get her home", I said breaking the silence. Lucius held onto Lucelia hand tighter and refused to let go. After a few minutes, I gave up and asked them if the wanted to come to my house while Lucelia heals. After digging through my purse I pulled out an emergency portkey and told everyone to hold in tight, after experiencing of being sucked through a tube, we a landed in a heap on the floor.

I guided them to a nearby couch and called for Ollie another house elf to make tea and snacks for outer guest, I led Abraxas who was still holding Lucelia and Lucius who refused to let go of her into Lucelia baby blue bedroom, after setting her down on the bed I levitated a comfortable plush couch and called in another house elf to bring in tea and snacks for them, I bid them farewell and walked down stairs were the Blacks were, but the last thing before I closes the door was little Lucius crawling under my sheets with Lucia, I gushed at the cuteness.

I sat down on the opposite couch from where Orion was sitting down on, we sat there in silence until Orion asked me the same question from earlier, "What's your name? Who are you?", he asked once again. I decided to answer this time, I took in a deep breath before saying, "I am Lady Cassiopeia Cordelia Coldwell, Head of the Most Ancient and Sacred House of Coldwell, and the girl upstairs is my younger sister Lucelia Antoinette Coldwell Heiress of the Coldwell fortune".

He looked a bit surprised before introducing himself, "I am Lord Orion Arcturus Black, Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black and these are my sons, Sirius Orion Black Heir of the House of Black and Regulus Alphard Black Apparent Heir of the House of Black".

After getting the introductions out of the way I found Orion, he insisted me on calling him, was quite a likable man who had a dry sense of humor. I found out he was a rather mischievous boy during his Hogwarts day. I continued to entertain and chat with them when we heard three pairs of feet walking down the stairs. All three of them had a huge smile on their faces making me wonder what happened up there. Looking down at my watch, I noticed that it was almost time for dinner.

"Would you like to join us for dinner, misters Black and Malfoys?", I asked them.

They accepted and we ate our Italian food, as I was engaging into a conversation Orion, I noticed that Abraxas and Lucelia were looking at each other with googly eyes, I need to ask Lucelia about that later, before turning my attention back to Orion and the boys.

I wiped off the spaghetti sauce off of Sirius face before pinching his chubby cheeks before doing the same to Regulus and unknown to me Orion was watching me with a content smile on his face. And across the table Lucelia looked at the two looking happy that Cassie finally found her perfect match, little did Lucelia know Abraxas was looking down at her already falling in love with her.

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