Chapter 7

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I gave Cassie a hug and a goodbye kiss before picking up Lucius, I walked to the floo with Abraxas leading. He yelled, "Malfoy Manor!", before going into the green flames. Following after with Lucius in tow, we barreled out the fireplace and into Abraxas who was dusting off his clothes. We all collapsed into a pile onto the plush carpeted floor, suddenly we all burst out laughing for no apparent reason.

After catching our breaths, I never realized how close our faces were,  blushing I quickly turned to look at Lucius who got up and tried to pull me up to. Getting up Abraxas held out his hand for me to grab, clasping his hand I realized how perfect they both fit with each other, realizing my manners,  or rather lack of. I got up and thanked them for letting me stay in their home. Abraxas waved it off and said it was his pleasure to invite a beautiful girl to his home. "Oh you make me blush", I said jokingly lightly swatting at his right arm.

{The Next Morning}

After about half an hour he told me which rooms I can and cannot go into and Lucius needs and what not. After waving him goodbye, I went into Lucius' bedroom, the little boy was still asleep exhausted from yesterday. As I was nearing close his bed he woke up and gave me a cute goofy tired smile. I smiled back and informed about his father's departure. Surprisingly he took it well, I asked him what he wanted to do. He looked at his feet as he shifted side to side, he asked me in a soft small voice,"can we go to a muggle park?", he whispered to me still not looking at me in the eyes.

Crouching down to his level, "Why are you so worried Lucius? Of course we can go, how about we have a picnic".  He looked excited by asked me what a picnic was, internally slapping my forehead forgetting he was raised as a proper pureblood I explained to him what one was. After calling a house elf to pack up a picnic basket, which he happily did. I got Lucius dressed up in some muggle clothes that I have transfigured. After transfiguring my own clothes I apparated into a not so very crowed park making sure no muggles saw us popping in. I thought about inviting Cassie and Reg, but I wanted it be just the two of us. Lucius looked around excited looking at the playground.

Tugging onto my arm he dragged me to a slide, after explaining to him how to use them he ran off with other little kids while I walked time a non crowed grassy area under a tree and set up our picnic, after setting up everything I watched Lucius play and enjoy himself, I smiled as I continued to watch him. As if noticing my stare he waved at me before going back to playing.

After another hour of playing Lucius finally finished playing and walked over to me and sat with elegance that every pureblood seem to have like myself, if people we're to look at us, they would think we were rich people or something. I served Lucius some food, not long after eating Lucius fell asleep against my arm, casting a notice me not charm wandlessly I packed up our picnic before picking up Lucius. He cuddled further into my arms as I apparated us home.

Once arriving to the manor I was greeted by a house elf who took my stuff and put them away while I put Lucius to bed feeling a bit tired myself I fell asleep against the plush couch I was sitting on.

{2 hours later/6 pm}

I groggierly woke up and notices that Lucius was still asleep, sneaking out of his room I went to the bathroom and did my business, washing my hands I decided to make some cinnamon rolls. After fighting a bit with the house elves, I finally succeeded and they left me alone not before placing all the ingredients in front of me.

As I finished my last batch I didn't notice a blond handsome man standing behind me as I shamelessly hummed and danced around in the kitchen house elves free. And when he spoke up I nearly had a heart attack and flour flew into the air, turning around I giggled as I saw that Abraxas was covered in flour from head to toes. As I was to busy laughing I didn't see Abraxas scoop up some flour and throw it into my face, shocked I retaliated throwing flour back at him do on we engaged into a food fight. We froze in action when we heard not so quiet giggles, turning our heads simutaneously towards the giggling source we saw that it was Lucius.

Embarrassed to be caught doing something so childish we clean up all the flour. As we finished cleaning my timer rang out informing that my cinnamon rolls were done. Taking out the cinnamon rolls, I set them on ty he table to let them cool before adding the frosting. Lucius had a childish gleeful face as set a cooled down and freshly baked cinnamon roll in front of him. I gave one to Abraxas who never had a cinnamon roll before. Shocked I cut a piece from his plate and held in his face to eat it. He raised an eye brow, I told him to just eat. He took the bite and had a delightful face on. "This is absolutely amazing!",  he exclaimed as he finished up his cinnamon roll. I finished up my roll and put the rest in the fridge for dinner later.

Turning to look at Lucius I wiped off the cream on his face, turning back to Abraxas he to had cream on his face, motioning him to lean down I wiped his mouth. Feeling adventurous I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before turning back to Lucius. While I tended Lucius, Abraxas sat back in his chair surprised at the sudden kiss, and just brushed it off and went back to talking with Lucelia and his son about random things.

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