Chapter 3

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A/N: Updated on 10/18/18; Changed a few things and added a bit more details.

French(Underlined and slanted),
Ps. Everyone is ooc.
Cassiopeia= Cassie
Lucelia= Lucia

Cassiopeia POV


"Huh?!", I said getting up, as I looked around noticing I was currently in a nice rich old fashioned bedroom. Observing my room, the walls were painted in a nice cream color almost ivory and the furniture in the room were pure white with gold handles. A bit further away from my bed was a small sitting room decked out with a small cream leather couch and a single couch along with a clear coffee table. And from the corner of my eyes I saw pictures of a black and blonde haired girl dressed in the Beauxbatons uniform along with a similar looking girl.

Looking a bit to the side I saw random moving pictures of the two girls along with pictures of places all around France. As I continued to look around my room in wonder, I was suddenly hit with a bunch of memories from this life. As I was lost in thought, with a pounding headache might I've add, Lucelia barged into my room, "Cassie I look different?!", she yelled sounding a bit panicky.

I looked at her and saw that she had black hair with natural blonde streaks of hair and blue green eyes. I looked at my dressing mirror and noticed that I also had black hair but it was blonde at the tips and I too had blue green eyes. Looking back at the pictures on the wall, I realized the two girls in the pictures were pictures of us.

"Oh my goodness, you're right, did you get your memories too?", I asked her.

"Yeah, I did. I can't believe we're in the past and we're speaking French!". I did just notice we were speaking French, so I switched to English.

"Hey Lucia do you want to go to Diagon Alley?", I asked her after a moment of silence to collect our thoughts and newly obtained memories. She thought about it for a moment before nodding. I sorted through my memories before calling out "Joan!", a house elf dressed in a mini french maid outfit with the families crest and our motto, "Famille et Loyauté avant tout".

"Family and Loyalty above all", I said translating it into English.

"Joan can you fetch me an outfit and one for Lucelia as well, please. We are heading out to Diagon Alley, and we shouldn't be home until late in the afternoon as it is morning", I said informing her of today's plans, after informing her she popped away and popped back in holding two beautiful dressing (wizarding) robes, she gave me the emerald one and gave Lucia the baby blue one after thanking her she popped away.

We quickly got dressed and tied our hair up with me putting mine up in an elegant bun and Lucia putting hers in a loose French braid, excited to go to Diagon Alley. As we were finishing up getting ready, we noticed there was two wands on my dressing table. Immediately I noticed they were different from our original wands, looking at the two wands I picked up the one I felt most attracted to and gave it a wave, a gush of autumn leaves and green sparks shot out of my wand, Lucelia followed my lead and gave her wand a wave and a gush of an ocean smelling breeze with baby blue sparks shot out her wand. We looked at each other and smilied these were even better than our old wands! Making sure we had everything, we quickly put on our shoes and walked to the floo.

I let Luna go through first and after a few minutes I grabbed a bit of floo powder and yelled, "DIAGON ALLEY!".

The first thing I noticed when I got out of the floo was that I was on top of somebody, I quickly got up and apologized, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, here let me clean your robes", I waved my wand and all the dirt from his clothes disappeared leaving behind a clean and a pristine shine.

After apologizing again, I was about to introduce myself when a pair of boys barrled into the man, "FATHER! FATHER! YOU HAVE TO BUY ME THE LATEST BROOM HAVE YOU SEEN IT", the two boy shouted at the man, the man looked at me apologetic before turning his attention to his sons.

"Children enough, I understand, but you interrupted this young lady, where are your manners, apologize", he said sternly to his children. They turned to me with their heads bowed down and apologized, suddenly I sucked in a sharp breath, it was him.

"Sirius?", I unintentionally said out loud, they all looked at me shocked. Their father subtly narrowed his eyes on me before asking me how I knew his name, "My apologies Lord Black, I just learned about it through the local news", he gave me one last analysing look before nodding.

"Oh yes look at the time, my apologies sir, young boys. I must get going I'm afraid", I said looking around for any sight of Lucelia. I nodded my head farewell to the three, before dashing away as gracefully and elegantly as I could.

As I dashed away Orion I assume from what Sirius had told me before in my previous life, asked me 'what's my name', however, I simply ignored him and dashed away.

As I was running I noticed Lucelia was also running towards me, we stopped in front of each other before asking, "What happened to you?!".

Cassiopeia "Harriet" Potter(The Adventures of time travel)Where stories live. Discover now