Chapter 4

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A/N: Updated on 10/19/18. Corrected spelling and added a few details.

Lucelia POV
After flooing I was really hungry since I hadn't eaten anything yet since our sudden time travel adventure, so I decided to get some ice cream since I really craving for it for some reason.

Looking around I noticed that everything was roughly the same as it was in the future, however I noticed there were missing and different shops compared to the future Diagon Alley. Anyhow, I walked to the nearest ice cream parlour which was quite a bit away from the floo entrance point but against my better judgement of wandering off instead of waiting for Cassie.

I treaded off to the ice cream parlour because let's be real, I really wanted my ice cream. As I continued on my journey I was suddenly tackled by a 6 year old little blonde boy, who looked ready to burst into tears but kept a brave face on.

"M-miss can you help me find my father, I lost him like thirty minutes ago, I was looking at the latest broom and when turned around he was gone", he said bursting into tiny tears. I keeled down on my knees down on the ground and brought him into a hug, I patted his back and tried to soothe him.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay we'll find your father, why don't we get some ice cream and when you feel better we can go look for him", I told him as he nodded his head and held out his left hand out for me to hold while he wipped his tears with his right.

"Okay ma'am!", he said feeling a lot better.

I giggled and held his hand as I bought him a chocolate and vanilla sundae and myself a French vanilla and mint combo. As we were eating I studied the little boy's face, then it hit me. The little boy in front of me was none other than ex-Death Eater Lucius Malfoy, 'oh dear Rowena', I thought to myself.

I noticed he had chocolate ice cream all over his face, so I wiped it away gently and gave his nose a playful twitch, he giggled and playfully swatted my hand away as we enjoyed our ice cream. Suddenly, the door to the parlour bursted open and in came a frantic looking blonde man, and from the similar characteristics he shared with little Lucius I assumed he was Lucius' father.

"Excuse me, sir", I called out, he looked at me.

"Is this perhaps your son?", I asked moving out of his view of Lucius who happily ate his sundae.

"Lucius! There you are, do you know how worried I was!", he asked his son frantically looking over him for injuries before thanking me profusely.

Waving off his gratitude, I glanced down at my vintage watch and noticed it has been 15 minutes since I got here, 'Cassie is so going to be mad at me', I thought to myself.

"Excuse me", I said bringing both of their attention to me, "it seems I must get going, I have to meet my sister soon, goodbye young Lucius, sir", I said before getting up as I was turning around to leave. I heard sniffling, curious I turned around and saw Lucius running towards me tears dripping down his still pudgy baby cheeks. I felt really guilty, but I really had to go so I picked him up and gave his a huge kiss on his cheek before giving him to his father who watched us with an intrigued face.

Once he was safe in father's arms, his father Abraxas I assumed from the sparse knowledge I learned from this family's timeline pureblood classes, which included learning about pureblood families, opened his mouth to ask me something probably my name but before he got to say a single word. I dashed away with as much dignity I could uphold in my mad dash to get away from the Malfoys.

As I was running I ran into Cassie who was also running, "What happened to you?!", we asked each other.

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