00. Author's Note

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hello, fellow draco simps *tucks my hair behind my ears and makes debbie ryan face*

I just wanna start off by saying thank u for checking out my fanfic ! I hope u enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

1-  I've only read the HP books once (it was pretty recently actually) and while I did do some research for certain chapters, not everything's going to be a million billion percent accurate. So if I mess up a characters eye color or something pls dont cancel me bc im sensitive and i will probably cry about it lol

2 - The main characters are in their 5th year so i think theyd be around 15/16? So if ur one of those people that comments things like "omg!! Theyre kissing!! But theyre only in their 5th year!! Too young!!" and if ur one of those people that gets uncomfy reading teenagers doing literal teenage things, then this is me asking u to either please refrain from making those comments or please read something else

3 - Although the characters are in their 5th year, the story has nothing to do with voldemort, death eaters, umbridge, etc., and is totally unrelated to the events in order of the phoenix

Ok that's all, enjoy :)))

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