16. The Wish

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"What's comin' will come, an' we'll meet it when it does." - rubeus hagrid


Ivy didn't cry as she crawled over to where Draco lay on the ground. She didn't cry because Draco Malfoy wasn't dead, there was no way he could be dead because that wasn't how their story was supposed to end.

She held him in her arms, and his skin was freezing to the touch and his body was far too limp, his mouth hung slightly open and his lifeless eyes stared blankly up at her; no longer a beautiful sky-blue, but a dull, dead gray. These eyes had mocked her countless times. These eyes had once scorched her with hatred. She had fallen in love with these eyes.

And then she felt her eyes sting as her vision blurred and the whole world was washed away in her tears.

She didn't notice Fred lead Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the corridor, but she did notice Fred and Harry lift Draco from the ground because she held onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go, as Hermione and Ron pulled her back and she sobbed into their arms.


The Hospital Wing was too loud. Word must have gotten out about what happened in the corridor, because as soon as Ivy and the group entered, dozens of classmates had swarmed her to ask too many questions all at once, and even Pomfrey couldn't contain them. It was clear that they had been waiting for her, and everyone wanted to know if it was true that she had collected all of the pearls, and if she had made her wish yet. She scanned the room and found Dumbledore and Snape, along with several professors huddled in a corner, whispering angrily amongst themselves.

Fred and Harry carried Draco over to a secluded bed, and Ivy overheard snippets of several different conversations as Hermione and Ron led her to a bed next to George.

"We need to end this game as soon as possible, for the sake of the students..."

"...Dumbledore, how could you have allowed this to happen?"

"I heard that Ivy used an Unforgivable Curse on Draco to steal his pearls!"

"What do you think she wished for?"

"I heard Pansy Parkinson's going to Azkaban!"

Ivy crawled into the bed and closed her eyes, praying for the noise to go away. Madam Pomfrey rushed over to Draco's bed as Fred, Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked over to where the professors were huddled.

After what seemed like forever, the students were finally forced out of the room, although Ivy could still hear echoes of their excited chatter as they waited out in the corridor. She saw professors shoot her a sympathetic glance as they left to join the students outside. The Hospital Wing was now empty except for Ivy and her friends, Pomfrey, Dumbledore, and Draco and George.

Dumbledore then walked over to Ivy's bed, and although she couldn't really focus on what he was saying, she heard him apologizing for her troubles, saying something about how none of this was supposed to happen and that George was going to be okay, and that she should try and get some sleep. She couldn't find her voice, so all she could do was nod in agreement. Dumbledore then turned to Fred and the trio and exchanged a few words with them, before her friends left the Hospital Wing and lvy surrendered to a deep sleep.

When she woke up several hours later, she was still in the Hospital Wing, and sunlight poured in from the large windows. George and Draco were still in their beds, and her mind flooded with memories from the night before. She closed her eyes. She remembered someone telling her that George was going to be okay, and she breathed a sigh of relief because that was good news, right?

George was going to be okay.

But Draco Malfoy wasn't, because he had died for her, and if she hadn't went looking for him in the dungeons then she never would've ran into Pansy and the twins, and maybe George wouldn't have had to suffer, and Draco would still be alive. And what was the purpose of living without him?

Ivy tore her gaze from his bed and her eyes landed on one of the seats next to her. There, sitting on top of a folded blanket, was a pearl necklace, a pearl bracelet, a pearl ring, a pearl tiara, a set of pearl earrings, and a folded letter.

With a trembling hand, she reached over and unfolded the letter.

Hope you're well. Not sure if you ever found out, but Draco had the necklace, bracelet, tiara, and ring in his pockets the night he... well, you know. Anyway, Pansy had run off with the earrings, and although it took a little convincing, Dumbledore allowed us to track her down so we could get the fifth pearl for you. That's why we left you here by yourself last night - hopefully you don't mind. She was no match for the four of us combined, so we got the pearl in no time. Do what you want with the pearls, you've earned your wish. Dumbledore left Draco in his bed in case you wanted to wish to bring him back. Not sure if that's going to work, but you could always try. Anyway, Pomfrey made us leave the Hospital Wing so you could get some sleep, so meet us in Hagrid's Hut once you're done with your wish. We love you, and we're proud of you.

Fred, Harry, Ron, and Hermoine


i know george is probably still asleep, but please tell him i love him, and that i crushed pansy's wand to pieces for him  ~ F

Ivy smiled to herself and left her bed, tucking the letter in the pocket of her robes. She walked over to George's bed and sat down in one of the chairs next to it.

"Hi, George," she said softly to his sleeping figure. "Fred wanted me to tell you that he loves you. We all do. Fred also wanted you to know that he crushed Pansy's wand to pieces for you," she laughed. "You were really brave last night, I hope you know that. Please wake up soon, because we miss you, and I'm sure Fred is miserable without you."

She sat there at his bedside for a little while longer, and eventually made her way back to her bed to retrieve the pearls on the chair. She stared at them for a few moments, observing their magical glimmer. How many people had suffered for this?

Ivy finally walked over to Draco's bed, which was in the far corner of the Hospital Wing. She sat down in one of the chairs and took a deep breath. This was it.

Clutching the pearls tightly in her hand, she closed her eyes and made a wish.


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