14. Pansy Pug-Face Parkinson

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"What (and I cannot stress this enough) the fuck." - probably u by the end of the chapter


"What do you mean the pearls are gone?" hissed Ron.

"What else could I possibly mean, Ron?" snapped Ivy. "They aren't in my pockets, I always keep them in my pockets!"

"Yelling at one another isn't going to solve anything!" yelled Hermione. "Let's split up and search for them, they can't be far. Send green sparks in the air with your wand if you find one."

So the group split up and searched through the alleys of the Room of Requirement, but it quickly became clear that finding a pearl here was going to be an impossible task. The room was far too big, there were far too many objects that could conceal the pearls, and there was simply not enough time to waste.

Whatever Draco was doing, there wasn't a doubt in Ivy's mind that he was after a pearl, if he hadn't found one already. She prayed that he hadn't found one already. Ivy's heart suddenly stopped as the realization hit her. Why didn't she realize it sooner?

She gathered everyone around and shook her head in disbelief. "I know where they are," she said finally.  "Draco has them. He must've stolen them from me while I was sleeping. That was his whole plan, how could I have been so naive? He slipped something into that goblet, left the ball to come and find me, and waited for the poison to work before he stole the pearls."

Ivy felt tears stinging at her eyes for the third time that night. He had set up a trap, an obvious trap, and she had fallen right into it. She meant nothing to him - this entire time, he was only after the pearls. She had unknowingly let Draco use her emotions to his advantage, and she hated herself for it.

"Oh, Ivy. I'm so sorry," said Hermione softly, pulling Ivy into a tight hug.

"I was joking when I said I was going to kill him earlier, but I really mean it now," growled Ron. "We need to get the pearls back, what are we waiting for?"

Harry nodded. "We don't have any time to lose, he's got four of them now and he's probably on his way to get the fifth."

Hermione scowled at the two of them. "Don't either of you have any emotional capacity? Imagine what she must be feeling right now!"

Ivy sniffed and buried her head in Hermione's shoulder. "I don't care about finding the pearls anymore. I don't care about anything. Can we please just go back to the dorms? I'm so tired."

"You're joking," Harry groaned.

"Ivy, listen to yourself!" exclaimed Ron. "You're not really going to let Malfoy get away with this, are you? While you're sitting here crying, he's out there collecting those pearls! How many times have you gone out Hunting while the rest of us were sleeping soundly in our beds? How many times have you gone out Hunting while the rest of us were enjoying hot meals? Blimey - you even skipped the Valentine's Ball for this! Don't tell me all of that was for nothing! You worked hard to get those pearls, and you better go out there and get them back! Sorry, but I'm not just gonna let you give up like this."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," said Harry. "Look, I get it. You love Malfoy, and with everything he's done... it must be difficult for you right now. I can understand that. But like Ron said, you've probably worked harder than anyone to get those pearls. And if you let that Malfoy win, if you allow him to collect the rest of them, you'll be feeling even worse than you do now. So you can't give up yet. You've got to keep fighting until the very end."

Hermione released her hold on Ivy and nodded. "I never thought I'd say this, but they're right."

Ivy looked around at her friends and slowly felt the determination come back to her. Of course she had to go and get her pearls back - what had she been thinking? There was no way she was going to just sit there and let Draco finish collecting them all.

She pulled her friends into a group hug and smiled. "Thanks, you guys. I mean it. I genuinely don't know what I'd do without you."

"All right then, now that we've gotten the mushy stuff out of the way," said Ron. "I'm assuming you don't want us to come with you to get your pearls back? Not that I would object - because it is about time for me to take off this stupid carpet robe and get some sleep."

Ivy laughed. "Yeah. You three should call it a night. I'll see you all in the morning, alright? The sooner I get those pearls back, the better."

Harry smiled and shook his head. "Please don't get yourself poisoned again. You're sure you don't want one of us to come with you?"

"Positive," Ivy said firmly.

Hermione sighed. "Promise m-"

"I promise I'll be careful, Hermione."

The group finally emerged from the Room of Requirement, and Ivy walked her friends to the Common Room, bid them goodbye, and set off towards the dungeons.

As she walked, she began to grow nervous. She didn't know what she would do when she saw Draco, or what she would say to him. He obviously wasn't going to return the pearls willingly - would she have to poison him too? And what about his necklace and bracelet? Would she find a way to steal them later, or should she try and get all four of the pearls?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she turned the corner into one of the corridors and met a horrific sight. Standing there, in the middle of the corridor, were three people she least expected to see.

One was Fred Weasley, who was holding a little white box with silver ribbons in one hand, and his wand in the other.

The other was a pug-faced Slytherin girl Ivy had seen hang around Draco during classes and mealtimes. She was standing behind George Weasley, who had his hands up in surrender, with her wand pointed to his head and her hand outstretched, clearly waiting for Fred to hand over the white box that Ivy knew was the fifth pearl.

The girl tilted her head and smiled. "What's it going to be, Weasley? Going to give me the pearl, or should I persuade you a little more?"


Fred was on the verge of tears, clearly torn between the decision. "George, I don't have a choice!"

The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm getting bored with this. I warned you, Weasley."

And before Ivy could react, before she could draw her wand, the girl shrieked "CRUCIO!" and George Weasley dropped to the ground as his body writhed in pain and he screamed a horrible, blood curdling scream.

a/n: i remember reading a comment on someone else's fanfic and someone called pansy a pantyliner and my humor has not been the same since. Anyway what do we think about the chapter?

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