04. Draco Being a Bitch Part 2

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't the feelings I've been trying to avoid." - someone on tumblr


The next few weeks were uneventful, and Ivy found that she only saw Draco during Potions and mealtimes, unless she caught glimpses of him before or after classes. Despite that, however, she was thoroughly enjoying Hogwarts, and all of the magic to be found inside it's walls. The classes themselves were wonderful: she had Harry, Ron, and Hermione as best friends, after all, and magic was everything she expected it to be. Ivy found herself to be a naturally gifted witch, and had no trouble at all adjusting to the piles of homework that was assigned each evening.

One particular evening after classes, Ivy was heading to the Common Room when she heard a commotion between two boys in the corridor. She quickly hid behind a suit of armor a few feet away, not wanting to be involved. They had not seen her. Should she turn back and find another route? She found herself glued to her spot, curiosity overriding caution.

"Give it to me, Seamus. Don't make me do this!" yelled a boy whose voice she didn't recognize. His voice quavered, and Ivy had a feeling that whatever he was threatening to do, he would be too nervous to carry it out.

"Dean, I-I can't," stammered another boy, who she assumed to be Seamus. "I f-found it first, all right? Put down your wand, will you?"

Ivy peered around the suit of armor. Seamus was sprawled on the floor, clutching his wand in one hand and a beautiful pearl necklace in the other. She thought her eyes were playing tricks on her; it seemed to glimmer with magic. Seamus's ankle was twisted at an unnatural angle, and his nose was bloodied. A few feet away from him, there was a small white box that had clearly been opened, with silver ribbons messily thrown aside. Dean was standing tall, pointing his wand directly at Seamus. "Give me the pearls, Seamus! This is the last time I'm going to ask! I don't want to hurt you anymore!"

Ivy let out a gasp and quickly covered her mouth to silence it. She vaguely remembered a white box with silver ribbons being in Draco's possession - did this mean he had already gotten hold of one of the five pearls?

Seamus was now crying and raised his wand with a trembling hand to point it at Dean. Dean's reaction was immediate:


The corridor was filled with a blinding green light, and Seamus now lay motionless on the floor.

Dean ran over to the body. "Shit, shit, shit!"

Ivy let out a cry and turned to run, but Dean, who was now hurriedly disentangling the necklace from Seamus's hand, heard her. "You there! Stupef-"

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Cried a sharp voice that Ivy recognized instantly.

Dean's wand was blasted from his hand as Draco Malfoy appeared from the opposite end of the corridor. Ivy crouched down beside the suit of armor, not wanting to be seen.

"Performing the Killing Curse on your own friend. A bit dramatic, don't you think?" asked Draco, lazily peering over Seamus's corpse. Dean looked at it too, and burst into tears. Draco's face contorted with disgust. "You're pathetic. Give me the necklace, Dean, and don't make me ask twice." A few moments later, Ivy heard the echoes of hurried footsteps leaving the corridor, and knew Dean had left.

"You can open your eyes now, Stillwater," said Draco. "He's gone now. Or are you going to stay kneeling down there like a frightened child?" he sneered. Ivy opened her eyes and found Draco kneeling beside her. She sniffed and quickly wiped a tear from her cheek, ashamed of her weakness.

"He just killed his friend over that stupid necklace. It's one of the five pearls, isn't it? The necklace," Ivy said, nodding towards the pearl necklace Draco was now pocketing in his robes. "Now you have two of them. You would have killed that Dean boy if he hadn't handed it over, I know you would've. You're just as bad as he is."

"You're not going to thank me for coming to your rescue?" he asked in a sarcastic tone. "Or would you rather have been stunned unconscious?"

"Actually, yes. I didn't ask for you to try and play the hero." she spat. "I'm not even sure you saved me at all. I'd much rather be unconscious than here talking to you. In fact, I'd rather be anywhere at all than here talking to you."

Draco stood and leaned against the wall. "Then why are you still here?" he asked, annoyed.

Ivy felt her temper rising. "I could be asking you the same thing. You got your pearl, so go ahead and leave. You don't even care that someone just died, do you?" she shook her head. "You only care about yourself. You're a sorry excuse for a human being, you know that?"

Draco whipped his head around and shot her a deadly glare. He didn't even need to speak, Ivy read the warning in his eyes - she had gone too far.

Ivy quickly looked at the ground. "Don't tell me that hurt your feelings," she scoffed, knowing full well that she was adding fuel to the fire.

"I really do despise you, Stillwater."

Feeling brave, Ivy stood to face him. "Then why did you save me, Draco?"

"Mmm." He turned and closed his eyes. "I think it's time for you to leave."

"Not until you answer my question."

Instead of answering, Draco leaned in to face Ivy. They were now only a few inches apart, and before Ivy could even register what was happening, he had her pinned against the wall and his fingers were sliding gracefully through her hair as he pulled her head back, and for a few moments she felt nothing except his cold, sharp breath against her exposed neck, and she let out a small whimper because she did not want this, she did not want to kiss Draco Malfoy in an abandoned corridor with Seamus' dead body only a few feet away.

It was then that he finally pulled back, and Ivy knew he saw the fear in her eyes because they were now swimming with tears.

"I think it's time for you to leave," he repeated.

The last thing Ivy saw was his eyes - his dangerous, hungry, deep blue eyes - as she turned and disappeared down the corridor, leaving him staring after her in the moonlight.

She was going to join the Hunt, she decided. She didn't care what Draco was hoping to wish for; she was going to keep him from collecting the pearls, even if she died trying.

a/n: seamus body layin there watchin them like ☠️👄☠️

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