02. Okay, Maybe Harry Was Right About Draco Being A Bitch

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"And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." - draco malfoy


"Welcome to Potions. I am Professor Snape, as you all know, and I must say I am absolutely delighted to be your instructor once again," introduced a stone-faced professor who did not sound delighted in the slightest.

"As some of you may have noticed, we have a... new student among us," he continued, as the entire class turned in their seats to face Ivy. Draco, however, (sitting a few desks ahead) remained facing forward. Hermione, who was sitting to her left, gave Ivy a smile of reassurance. Ron, who was seated on her right, gave her a friendly wink, while Harry, who was next to Ron, gave her a thumbs up.

"Today, you will learn to create a potion that reverses the effects of a hive's jinx. You will find the instructions on page 12, and the ingredients on the table at the front of the room. Normally, I would have you all begin this semester with a more complicated spell, but due to unfortunate circumstances..." he paused to glance at Ivy, "...we will start with a more simple one. You may begin."

The room was filled with sounds of students leaving their desks to retrieve the ingredients, and Ivy quietly turned to page 12. She didn't know any magic yet, but that didn't stop her from imagining herself jinxing Snape, which brought a small smile to her face.

"Don't mind him, he's always like that," said Hermione, as she returned to the desk with a handful of ingredients for everyone.

"Yeah", agreed Ron, reaching across from her to grab a vial of murky liquid. "He always picks on us Gryffindors. The bloke's just sour all the time because he wants to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, but got stuck teaching Potions instead. Serves him right, if you ask m-"

"It seems the three of you are getting along fairly well with our new student."

Ivy, Harry, Ron, and Hermione froze, suddenly aware that Snape had been standing behind them the entire time.

"Tut, tut. This will not do. Stillwater, was it? Why don't you go and join Malfoy at his table? Mr. Weasley, go and assist Mr. Longbottom at the back, and Potter, I want you seated right in front of my desk." A satisfied smile spread across his face as he strode away from the table.

Ivy sighed in frustration. First, she had been rudely singled out as the new student, and now she had managed to get separated from her only friends in the class. She exchanged an apologetic glance with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, slowly gathered her cauldron and spell book, and walked over to Draco's desk, sticking her tongue out at Snape the moment his back was turned. Although she was grateful for the chance to finally speak with Draco, she wished it was under less embarrassing circumstances.

"How childish. Sticking your tongue out like that," snapped Draco the moment Ivy took her seat. He was staring straight ahead as he mixed his ingredients into his cauldron, not even glancing at Ivy. She didn't know how to respond; this was the first time she had heard him speak. His voice was quick and sharp, and he sounded disgusted with every syllable he spoke.

Ivy swallowed and found her voice. "You're just as childish," she retorted. "I noticed you kept looking at me during the Sorting Ceremony. Weren't you taught that it's rude to stare?" Draco was silent. Satisfied, Ivy began mixing the ingredients, closely following the instructions in the spell book. It was quite easy, really.

She reached for a vial of clear liquid just as Draco extended his hand to grab it. Her hand brushed against his as he snatched the vial, jerking his hand away as if he found her touch repulsive. Draco gritted his teeth and glared at Ivy from the corner of his eyes. "Don't touch me!" he hissed.

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